Restore expats rights to vote in Canadian elections
Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, please restore expats right to vote in Canadian elections.
Why is this important?
Canadians choose to live abroad for a variety of reasons ranging from work opportunities, experiencing different cultures, reduced cost of living or just to retire in a country with a better climate.
Just because we choose to live abroad doesn’t mean we don’t care about what happens in our native country, province and community. Most have children and extended family still living in Canada so we care what happens.
In this day and age of the world wide web with community newspapers having online editions and instant news`services available 24/7 we stay informed with the happenings at our former home.
Most importantly we are still required to fill out CRA tax forms yearly and pay our share of tax, as Canada is a democracy, taxation without representation should not be allowed!
Please sign this petition to assure all Canadians are treated equally and have the right to vote in elections.
Tags: Travel