Plan change
Unfortunately my plan to overland from Kathmandu to Lhasa which had to be done by the end of Oct. made for kind of a hectic & not very flexible trip up to that point.
Since then however had been kind of winging it on a general path that is covering most parts of SE Asia & all was fine until the glitch with the rainy season in Oz made me rethink my plans & led me to the TEFL course & Bangkok again.
When considering my next years plans a combination of running a tad over budget on the European leg of the trip then some loans that aren’t being repaid as agreed + loosing the court case, that in an uncorrupted world, would have been a sure thing, was going to eat into my principal had I carried on as planned.
So when after talking to Leigh at the school it became apparent that a job in Thailand would be a sure thing when the new term starts at the end of Oct + the fact that he is a Brit with connections there for a work visa & I will be finishing my RTW there in Sept, all the ducks fell in a row.
After the course will carry on with my trip as planned to Honolulu but then think will duck down to Guatemala for a bit. After that I have heard rumors that One World is resuming the DFW-ANC flight in the spring. If correct will take that flight then return down the inside passage to Seattle where will catch either Amtrak or the Grey Dog to Portland (gotta stop in & say Hi to Chris & the staff at Boots).
With my goal of visiting all 50 states accomplished I shall make my way back up the coast to Vancouver/Victoria/Salt Spring Island where I have some cousins (if they haven’t disowned me) & I believe there is even a follower of this blog & the Cuba forums, I haven’t yet met. Then West jet has some good fares to YYZ to wrap up my Canadian affairs, do one last Canadian road trip before leaving the end of Aug to London.
Will need about a week in Britain, which was already in the plan, then with visa in hand will have 5-6 weeks to take another epic train trip from London with stops in Paris & Vienna on to Istanbul for a couple days before heading to Syria, Lebanon & Jordan to Petra. Then on through Israel to Egypt for a couple weeks touring before flying onto Bangkok & a teaching job for a couple semesters until my pension kicks in.
Then, who knows, Guatemala is still a possibility but with TEFL “The World’s My Oyster” LOL 😀
Tags: Travel
Great plans ahead!!!! hey….i wasn’t even mentioned for your July couple of days stay lol..thanks lol
You’ll be able to go anywhere once you have that course under your belt! way to go! you’re like me…..Plan B always works better 🙂
The Hill falls under Canadian Road Trip!
Go anywhere except North Korea & possible to get work visa in 30+ countries!!
that’s great! that was a really good thing Dave! Vacay and learn then vacay and teach! 😀
Sure beats freezing in the COLD country & shoveling caca blanca LOL
tell me about it lol and it’s so windy today!! it’s a Dorothy hold on tight day!! lol
And the OZ Dorthy ended up in isn’t the one I am headed to in a couple months—or is it???Hmmm—
Dave we have to meet up for at least a drink some time in Asia. I will be in Thailand from April 20th to early May, then Bali until mid June. I will be in Bangkok for around 4 days in April, so that could be a good time…
Course finishes on the 4th of Apr I think
Will figure it out when the time gets closer but will make sure to meet either here in Bangkok, apt is only $7.50/day CAD + hydro & water & 400 Baht for Wi-Fi or Bali
Did you take a Thai cooking class yet?
Actually if I can’t nuke it I can’t be bothered to cook it + street food is so cheap here there is no point in cooking.
A Thai language class is next on the to do list!