On Hold
Everything is in a holding pattern at the moment!!
And life would be boring if it wasn’t for the occasional skirmish with the quacks, licensed as doctors to practise in Ontario. It seems they only learned 3 words during their schooling:
1) Dementia; a condition suffered by anyone over 55
2) Restrain; what they advocate done to anyone who resists their orders
3) Safety; the reason to restrain
Actually trying to ascertain the reason for the problems is out of the question, it’s merely dementia, which necessitates restraint, for their safety. When questioned they get a major hissy fit on & claim to be omnipotent professionals, which shows they are anything but!
So have finally gotten mother into a hospital, where the appropriate testing will be done to find out exactly what is what. So it’s wait & see.
The owners of the El Salvadorian casa I am interested in are out of the country & my real estate lady is having a hard time tracking them down. More waiting.
The English teacher, who has the job leads in El Salvador, is also out of the country until September. The waiting game continues!
Ontario bureaucracy continues pretty much par for the course with the provincial game plan of forcing small business people too pack it in so the major conglomerates have no competition. The Restaurant Gestapo forced the last decent place that opened at 6:00 for good $5.00 breakfast to close because of some stupid, inane regulation!
However Bowmanville has a new Wal-Mart Super Store, so the downtown merchants, who still have parking meters, monitored by overzealous meter maids, in front of their stores, can be driven out of business with all the profits being split by Sam Walton’s heirs & their Chinese suppliers.
A couple acquaintances have passed on, one prematurely, the local tire shop is going to have a sale & pack it in this fall. There used to be 1/2 a dozen local bus companies in the area, now there is only one plus First Student owned by England’s First Choice Group & Scots owned, Wells Fargo’s, Coach Canada. More profits going overseas!
Economic conditions brought on by STUPID politicians forced me out of Quebec 40 odd years ago, now the same has happened in Ontario.
Come on September so I can get to hell out of Canada!!(:
Tags: Travel