Old friends visited
Time has a way of passing, the years silently slipping by unnoticed until retirement comes knocking at the door.
Best friends you figured to keep in touch with drifted off to different places, jobs & started families. In the hustle & bustle of daily life contact was lost. Sure there was the high school reunion 20 yrs ago where there was a fleeting contact, just a weekend break in life’s road where plans & dreams floated about.
Now that another 20 yrs have past & retirement is here it became important to me to reestablish contact & catch up on the past 40 yrs, compare notes & see if the dreams of youth had been satisfied. A phone call was made a date set & last weekend met two friends that had migrated to Ontario with me then on to Quebec where I met with two more who had stayed home.
It turns out our lives pretty much stayed on the course set in our 20’s, all raised families of 2 children, has grandchildren , still have their original spouses & while not rich has enough to live well & do as they want. Three of the four worked on the pipeline all over Canada with me in our early 20’s & now seem content to stay where they are year round, one is a bit older & figures Florida would be nice during the coldest part of the winter. The main thing is that all of us given the chance to live life over again would follow the same path.
Of course I had to be the exception here as was always a poor judge of women so I am single again & again & again, also found it hard to work for some one else so have been self-employed for the past 30 yrs which tends to give one an extremely bitter view of the Canadian government. Also figure it would be nice to live in a place where there was more than a couple months nice weather during the year.
Tags: Travel