Never Again!!! Day 2/3
Tuesday dawns sunny with hopes (unrequited) for a better day, it’s off to Avis
to pickup a Hyundai, Budget in the same office wanted almost double as I had a Salvadoran drivers license, Avis was actually a bit cheaper.
Filling out the paperwork brings up the question of insurance, seems the quoted price is for PLPD only, for damage to the car itself just double the quote. Can you say RIPOFF? Anyhoo have no choice so do the Canadian thing (bitch n pay).
Next seeing as it’s just down the street a ways I head over to RBC insurance, the only company that would insure my wheel chair bussette as a private vehicle when I sold the company & had insured my motor home & Checker. They had no problem with insuring the Scout but had a big problem with my Salvadoran drivers license.
Fortunately my Ontario license had just expired about 3 weeks prior so it’s off to Bowmanville to the UPS store with my mailbox , get my renewal form head down to the local MTO license franchise, pay $50 for a 2yr renewal am good to go for insurance + have 2 legal drivers licenses.
As I’m in town there’s also a visit to the accountant, lawyer & bank before heading back to Oshawa for the insurance policy, supper at Montana’s
Day 3 starts early with a drive to Orono to see the guys at the fortunately I only ordered a coffee as after a few minutes it was obvious the brekky venue had changed but when I asked the owner if the guys still came in (the lying bastard) says “sometimes” ah well he was just showing his true colors, the reason for his declining business, he always was an ass!
Driving down the street I saw a familiar cluster of pickups in front of a restaurant that was new since my last trip, shad a short visit with the regulars. Planned on another brekky there before I left (or so I thought). Drove around a bit in a futile attempt to find others I knew. Made couple phone calls finding one guy I really wanted to see but he was working a booth at the CNE, planned to meet before I left (or so I thought).
Finally headed the Hyundai east to see how the Scout was progressing, hoping it would be on the road the first of the week.
Arrived at the Scout’s home of the past 4 yrs E E K!!! (so much
for hope). Time for plan B, get hold of young lad #1, who lives nearby, turns out that he’s not presently working so he agrees to help our Scout man with the work while I take care of tying up mothers business down east. For the first bit of good luck, he has an extra room I can use.
We head to his place, it being late decide to go out for supper, he takes me to a mom & pop place owned be a German & his Thai wife, where I find the Best Pad Thai I have tasted since Bangkok. A great end to a otherwise so-so day.
Tags: Travel