Drivers License
My drivers license was due to expire at the end of next week so with finally receiving my residency card it became possible (mandatory actually) to change my Ontario license for Salvadorian one.
Now one would (wrongly) assume the great province of McSquinty land (OnturkeyO) in Canada, have a superior system.
Ontario sends out a renewal form in the snail mail, mine is likely sitting in my mail box as I write this. The good little Ontario sheeple (not me) then trots right down to his local MTO office, jumps through the requisite hoops, pays his $85 + HST, then waits a couple months to receive an anomic looking piece of plastic with a lousy B/W photo along with class of license, height/weight, address, expiry date & some kindergarten level holographs.
In El Salvador one merely shows up at the Sertracen with their ID, ON drivers license. You are then informed that you need a notarized photocopy of the ON license + a certified document from a clinic stating your blood type.
Off to the notary in the mall for the notarized copy of the DL $8.00, he then explains where the nearby clinic is. At the clinic $5.00 + a 15 minute wait gets the required document.
Back at the Sertracen office one pays $49.40 fee + $2.58 eye test, turns in documents, takes vision test, fills out required information, gets thumb prints taken, leaves with 5 year colour Photo drivers license with embedded chip & all info from ON DL + blood type, emergency contact info, thumb print & state of the art holographs.
Total cost $64.98
Time 2.5 hours
Eat your heart out McSquinty in Hicksville, OnturkeyO, maybe
someday you can play in the real world? Just kidding the day will
never come!!!
Tags: Travel