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Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

“I wake up but can’t seem to move in the bed, strange wonder what’s wrong? On further inspection it appears that I’m tied to the bed. How can this be & where am I?

Last thing I remember is being arrested in my school classroom & taken to the hospital by the police. Guess I must still be in the hospital but why am I tied to the bed?”

The reason this person is tied to the bed is because after waiting, what seemed like an eternity for a nurse to come & help them out of bed, into a chair they decided to do it on their own but unfortunately the aging body doesn’t work so well anymore & they ended up on the floor. When an overworked nurse discovered the situation, the person was promptly returned to the bed & tied in “for their safety”!

Now why was this person in a hospital anyway? Well it happened this way; their “dementia” had progressed to a point where they were becoming violent, at times, so the retirement home sent them to the local quackville hospital, never bothered to do any tests so the proper medication could be administered, thus when a relative demanded they be released back to the home it was inevitable the problem would reoccur.

Now having been in quackcity hospital, for a mere 10 days, the test results are still unavailable & the person is still tied to the bed, more often than not, give the powers that be an inch where necessary & they will take a mile out of convience.

OMG!! You exclaim, what terrible third world, communist country is this occurring in?  Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos?

NO, in those countries or anywhere else in Asia where Buddhism, Islam or other Eastern religions are prevalent such inhumane treatment of the elderly would never be tolerated!

The place is in the supposedly civilized, Christian, western “democracy” called Canada, in the province of Ontario, where if you treated your cat or dog this way you would face major fines & they would be taken away from you. Should you restrain your child in this way, you would be facing major prison time!

However in this throwaway society, whenever something has outlived it’s usefulness, it’s simply thrown out. However with people, the old, who have the nerve to be an   inconvience  to society are merely instutionalised  & treated with contempt!

So tomorrow a meeting with this weeks government appointed doctor to see if she is medicated enough to return to the retirement/nursing home. You see the holier than though administrators of the home, who only charge $85/day, dislike it when faced with any inconvience at all.

First they call a relative to come in to do the job, they are supposedly trained & paid to do, then then get really upset when you refuse & point this out to them. The next step is to send the client to the hospital where they know that restraint will be used, while claiming sanctimoniously that they never use restraints. I really have a hard time with hypocrisy!

With any luck at all the El Salvador option will still be viable & it’s Hasta la vista Canada!!

On Hold

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Everything is in a holding pattern at the moment!!

And life would be boring if it wasn’t for the occasional skirmish with the quacks, licensed as doctors to practise in Ontario. It seems they only learned 3 words during their schooling:

1) Dementia; a condition suffered by anyone over 55

2) Restrain; what they advocate done to anyone who resists their orders

3) Safety; the reason to restrain

Actually trying to ascertain the reason for the problems is out of the question, it’s merely dementia, which necessitates restraint, for their safety. When questioned they get a major hissy fit on & claim to be omnipotent professionals, which shows they are anything but!

So have finally gotten mother into a hospital, where the appropriate testing will be done to find out exactly what is what. So it’s wait & see.

The owners of the El Salvadorian casa I am interested in are out of the country & my real estate lady is having a hard time tracking them down. More waiting.

The English teacher, who has the job leads in El Salvador, is also out of the country until September. The waiting game continues!

Ontario bureaucracy continues  pretty much par for the course with the provincial game plan of forcing small business people too pack it in so the major conglomerates have no competition. The Restaurant Gestapo forced the last decent place that opened at 6:00 for good $5.00 breakfast to close because of some stupid, inane regulation!

However Bowmanville has a new Wal-Mart Super Store, so the downtown merchants, who still have parking meters, monitored by overzealous meter maids, in front of their stores, can be driven out of business with all the profits being split by Sam Walton’s heirs & their Chinese suppliers.

A couple acquaintances have passed on, one prematurely, the local tire shop is going to have a sale  & pack it in this fall. There used to be 1/2 a dozen local bus companies in the area, now there is only one plus First Student owned by England’s First Choice Group & Scots owned, Wells Fargo’s, Coach Canada. More profits going overseas!

Economic conditions brought on by STUPID politicians forced me out of Quebec 40 odd years ago, now the same has happened in Ontario.

Come on September so I can get to hell out of Canada!!(:

Ontario 11 months later

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Absolutely amazing how far down the road to ruin Ontario has slipped in the past 11 months!

The people are more vocal in their discontent, taxes have increased thanks to the HST, other costs have risen, jobs have disappeared, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Maybe it’s time??

Monday, July 19th, 2010

The difference in attitude between the provincial civil servants of the BC government & those (simple serpents) in the rest of Crapanada (& especially the feds) is truly amazing!

In my travels I have noticed that an inordinate amount ... [Continue reading this entry]

Vancouver RTW is winding down

Monday, July 19th, 2010

pero the next adventure is looming just around the corner!

Alaska Air flight to SEATAC went well with just normal (or this day & age) security check, none of the DFW Gestapo tactics, Alaska seems to work things in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bye bye Alaska

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

OK to give the Yukon it’s due I must mention that Parks Canada is doing a good job of preserving the history of Dawson City. However viewing some sites is a pain trying to figure out when they are open ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Yukon Eh!!

Monday, July 12th, 2010
Bye bye CanadaAfter my positive Alaska experience Canada’s Yukon rates right down in the basement with OZ, an expensive disappointment! Strange how a line drawn on a map through the same type of country ... [Continue reading this entry]

Alaska, bucket list it!

Monday, July 12th, 2010

Alaska is a whole different kettle of fish from the lower 48 states, is varied itself, from the capitol of Anchorage to Fairbanks & the other communities at the top of the world.

The mountain scenery is fantastic, the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Praise be to the Big Turtle

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

That I only have 2 more flights out of US the, then I shall never, ever have to set foot in one of their Fascist Homeland Stupidity controlled airports again!!

Thought Heathrow held the record for the most Nazified, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Modes of travel part 3 city options

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Cities of any size at all have city buses which are a cheap way to get around & Google Maps has routes & schedules for a lot of city transit systems, not sure how many as only used it for ... [Continue reading this entry]