BootsnAll Travel Network



hasn’t changed much in my 13 month absence.

Bounded by the government offices to the north, the cathedral to the east, the magnificent Palico de Captaines y Generals on the south & banks , shops the cafe Condesa & El Portal (the best coffee in the world), Pargue Central is still as beautiful as ever or perhaps even more so as it’s the rainy season & everything is greener. Rain usually comes for a couple hours in the evening or overnight, in my week here have only had a couple short showers in the afternoon.

The park is the focal point of life in Antigua as it’s pretty much in the center of town & is traversed daily by students going to & returning from school, a place for locals to relax, shoe shine boys plying their trade, the carriages patiently awaiting tourists to tour the town & of course a center of commerce (illegal) for the indigenous vendors selling their trinkets to the multitude of tourists that flock there to take a picture of the famous fountain in the parks centre. It’s also the center for community events most every weekend.

Most importantly it’s the meeting place of the growing ex-pat community where every morning business is conducted, information exchanged & of course the worlds problems solved! The weekly ex-pat get together at the Cafe Condesa still takes place where those not frequenting the park on a daily basis plus any visitors meet.

There have been some subtle differences in town, with 4 of the ex-pat community having passed on, hotels, posidas, opening/closing or merely changing ownership & names. However the good teachers are still giving lessons in a different venue or privately. Seems to be more of a demand for English teachers, as is the case the world over, so job prospects look bright.

As I was walking around the south end of town the other day figured I would take a stroll past my old apartment, as one of my neighbors had mentioned that he was going to move out of his 2 bedroom into it when I left & I wondered if he might still be around. Low & behold, as I approached the building he came out with a big smile & a hola, after a bit of catching up we went to the corner cafe, for lunch & a cervaza, where the waiter recognized me. At that moment I realized I had truly come home & decided that (providing a job is available) I will make Antigua my home base & do my further travels from my little slice of paradise!

With that decision made it’s time to get serious about the job search so I have put my name on a couple sites, gotten a cell phone with an Antigua # & ordered business cards. CV was done in Bangkok so it’s merely adding my picture to it & that’s taken care of. The printer where I am getting my business cards done also gave me a lead on a local school employing English teachers what I gather does not now have any native English speakers on staff.

Hoping to get down to El Salvador for beach weekend the first of July with Darren, Seka & family at El Roble near Playa Diablo.

Then it’s North to Alaska on the 5th where I will get the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks followed by a bus & riverboat trip to Dawson City in the Yukon where another bus will take me through Whitehorse & Skagway to Juneau & the ferry to Bellingham Washington. Doing this part independently as cruise/tour prices are insane. Then bus or Amtrak to Portland for a meet with Chris from BootsNall.

While in Portland check on a cheap flight to Hawaii???

Then it’s on to Vancouver for a couple days then a cheap West Jet flight (all RTW segments used up) YVR-YYZ.

ps to my TEFL classmates in Bangkok I shall undoubtedly to my favorite city in the world & check in with you at some point!


2 responses to “Antigua”

  1. Rocket J Dawg says:

    Hey Dave, while you are in Juneau, there is a memorial to the sinking of the Canadian Pacific Princess Sophia in 1918, which holds the unenviable record of being the worst wreck, in terms of verifiable fatalities, on the North American west coast. My Great Grandfathers brother was a fireman on the ship and died when it sank. Infact, all on board died.

  2. Dave says:

    Thanks for the info—will check it out, time permitting—just playing the Alaska/Yukon part by ear!