BootsnAll Travel Network

Photos: Hungary (and Kosice)

More pics, and the stories behind these ones might even be fresh in your minds, unlike that batch form Slovenia…

Poi Master. Dylan doing poi. In the background is the hostel owner Atilla, doing wakeless wakeboarding. What’s that? What’s wakeless wakeboarding? Well, you’re towed around on a wire that does laps of the lake, with a jump and a rail along the way for tricks. We spent an afternoon watching him go round in circles – pretty cool actually.view image

Life’s tough. Many an hour was spent doing this, and no, it’s not a picture of us drinking.view image

Toilet Bitch. As opposed to door bitch. This was at the abandoned warehouse bar, these were the old ladies defending the porta-potties.view image

The Band. The underground part of the warehouse, where the new wave punk band was playing.view image

The Dude. This is the homeless(?) guy that chatted to us on our strange day in Eger. Look at that pose….view image

The Menu. Well, what would you choose?.view image

The Food. And is this what you expected?.view image

Look at that, I even snuck in two photos form Kosice in Slovakia. That was only about two days ago. Consider yourselves very lucky folks. And there’s a couple on Flickr too. Man, this is your lucky day.

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