BootsnAll Travel Network

Our Itinerary

So here is a list of the flights and trek dates that we have booked.

June 19th 8:42 AM – 12:20 PM:
Flight from Minneapolis to Newark on Continental flight CO2373

July 19th 2:45 PM – 9:45 PM:
Flight from Newark to Lima on Continental flight CO1037

June 20th 5:40 – 7:05 AM:
Flight from Lima to Cuzco on Taca International Airlines Flight TA 7R

June 23rd – June 27th:
Trek to Machu Picchu with Andean Life Trek>p>
June 27th – July 1st:
Travel from Cuzco to Puno and back to Lima

July 1st – July 2nd 10:50 PM – 7:49 AM:
Flight from Lima to Newark on Continental Airlines flight CO2373

July 2nd 9:00 AM – 11:20 AM:
Flight from Newark to Minneapolis on Continental Airlines flight CO2879

We’re Home!

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2 responses to “Our Itinerary”

  1. bach0189 says:

    Just so everyone knows, I realized that some of my AM and PM listings are off. I’m too lazy to correct it though. Maybe I’ll do it later.

  2. Rose Markowicz says:

    The countryside looks amazing!!! You are so cool, I want to be 20 and K. B. Have a safe trip. Hope to see you around the 4th and hear all about it. Amazing you!

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