Our Itinerary
So here is a list of the flights and trek dates that we have booked.
June 19th 8:42 AM – 12:20 PM:
Flight from Minneapolis to Newark on Continental flight CO2373
July 19th 2:45 PM – 9:45 PM:
Flight from Newark to Lima on Continental flight CO1037
June 20th 5:40 – 7:05 AM:
Flight from Lima to Cuzco on Taca International Airlines Flight TA 7R
June 23rd – June 27th:
Trek to Machu Picchu with Andean Life Trek>p>
June 27th – July 1st:
Travel from Cuzco to Puno and back to Lima
July 1st – July 2nd 10:50 PM – 7:49 AM:
Flight from Lima to Newark on Continental Airlines flight CO2373
July 2nd 9:00 AM – 11:20 AM:
Flight from Newark to Minneapolis on Continental Airlines flight CO2879
We’re Home!
Tags: Itinerary, Travel
Just so everyone knows, I realized that some of my AM and PM listings are off. I’m too lazy to correct it though. Maybe I’ll do it later.
The countryside looks amazing!!! You are so cool, I want to be 20 and K. B. Have a safe trip. Hope to see you around the 4th and hear all about it. Amazing you!