The WWoof Host from Hell
We visited the Aloombra Lavender Farm in southern Queensland on our trip to wine country. The proprietor is actually a WWoof host who I didn’t contact. Thank God. The store was weird anyway, full of smelly stuff and cat crafts. Not really my scene. The woman, who I like to call the Aloombra Lavendar Nazi, may actually be Satan himself. It’s funny how charming people can sound with an accent, until you really listen to what they have to say. This lady was actually the biggest white supremacist since Hitler. I’m sure she would probably get along really well with some people I’ve met in Mississippi. She actually said to us, “You take a white baby and you take a black baby and who can run the country? You give the black baby a house and he’ll destroy it. They’ll even burn the floor boards for firewood.”
It was UNREAL. It’s hard to believe people have those sort of prejudices and it’s REALLY hard to believe she’s so willing to share them with perfect strangers. She also made it clear that she disliked Korean people as well. She had a Korean WWoofer who apparently did EVERYTHING wrong. I’m sure I wouldn’t have done any better, considering the minor infractions that seemed like such a huge deal to her. I would have been thrilled to have someone give me hand massages.
WWoofers, I would avoid the hell out of the Aloombra Lavendar Farm.
– Carrie
Tags: Australia, Carrie, Queensland, Travel, WWoof
[…] After meeting the Aloombra Lavendar beast, I was concerned about our Wwoof host. I’m glad to tell you that my reservations were completely unfounded. Greg is awesome. […]