
1 Oct


Aunt Angela picked us up at 8:30 pm from the train station. She was exactly out of Mrs. Doubtfire… “Ohhh, that’s lovely dear!” She offered us a smoke and dropped us off at our temporary paradise for the evening. She booked us a room at a local B&B, paid in advance! Scot and I walked up to town for a pint and checked out the scene. Kyle hung at the house for a hot bath and a movie. The B&B was exquisite! Three beds, a hot shower, clean and quiet rooms! The following day’s breakfast felt like a fairy tale. Homemade Irish brown bread, scrambled eggs with cheese, potatoes, tea, juice, yogurt, fruit. Molly, our host, totally hooked us up.

Aran Islands

1 Oct

Aran Islands

It was just getting dark. I had an immediate creepy vibe from the island. It felt barren, cold, and wet. We kept hearing these creepy birds like from some scary forest scene of a disney movie… Cccaw Cccaaw… amidst the old stone ruins.


29 Sep


Kyle has church friends, the Shirleys, who live in Athelone. They so kindly accepted us weary, hungry, and dirty travelers. We arrived and were settled into their daughter’s bunk beds. SO HAPPY.


26 Sep


The drive from Cork to Galway was smooth and movie-like. Rolling green hills, picturesque mountains fogged the background. Cows, sheep, stray dogs, and random scattered ruins. The countryside was so beautiful. And me, with three lovely girls cruising with handrolled cigs pressed between our lips and heads bobbing to the feeling. It was incredible.


24 Sep

Rugby Game

Saturday morning began with a sugar-free shower (aka a wet washcloth and some Dr. Bronners) as we began our trek to the bus station. We put a can of tuna and leftover cucumber on our 1/2 baguette for breakfast and hopped onto a bus to Cork. Cork is Ireland’s second biggest city on the south coast. We heard it would be a great place to visit, so we headed out of dirty old Dublin asap.


22 Sep


Green patchwork quilts stitched together by thin lines of mossy green treetops. Wet sidewalks with leaves on pavement being swept away by natural-bristled brooms. City folk in Dublin are pretty friendly – especially if you are first.