Wednesday, October 29th, 2008TONSALITIS.
Alas I am a victim of Murphy’s Law. Everything and anything will go wrong at the worst possible time.
I think the part that bothers me the most is that the school might be blaming me for getting sick. They had told me to go to the hostpial a few times and I’m thinking the hospital for a stupid cold? That’s ridiculous. Apparently out here hostpial and doctor are one in the same. They should educate themselves on the difference.
Honestly they have been really nice and kept telling me how all the teachers were worried about me. I love my job a lot so it’s just really bad timing for all of this.
I’ve been having little sniffles and a teeny cough for the past few weeks but just your little common cold. So does everyone at work. Kids coughing all over the place and being absent.
Andrea had advised me that as someone in a new school and espeically in a new country with a whole set of new germs I should really go to the pharmacy and get something. On Monday I left school early with the intention of doing that but fell asleep. Tuesday I battled through the day (had a slight fever ) and went home as soon as I finished classes. I then went directly to the pharmacy and got something to take. I wanted to see how much better I got with the medicine before I went to the dr. Before this week it was just little sniffles, sniffles that everyone has!!
My conscience was in a knot when I finally decided not to go to school yesterday (I had wanted to pull and high school record of no absenses but then I thought if you don’t rest you’re gonna keep being sick). I figured I’d see what the medicine did for me before going into the dr.
Last night Andrea advised me that if I were going to school to I should have someone take me to the dr. first and so I went to the dr. around 10 am. It turns out it’s right down the street from my apt. It was there I was told that I had tonsalitis and that I was to rest in bed for the next two days. Oh this sooo doesn’t fit in with my schedule!
They wanted to do a chest x-ray but they never did ask how deep my cough was. It actually isn’t very deep at all so the dr. said I could wait and see what the medicine did by Saturday. Last time I had x-rays and whatnot I wracked up 3 grand. (Of course I had quit my job at the very same hopspital ironcially and was out of insurance at the time. Def. my bad!) Here they pay half of my health insurance.
Kudos to Korean doctors though. I’m not sure if we even made an appt. They were so efficient with like 4 lines of paperwork so in a sense no paperwork and the dr. actually explained things to me… like you have white stuff on your tonsils from a virus. If only we could be like that in America!
They (school) still want me to come into work tomorrow to decorate my classroom despite the dr. telling me to stay home. I’m sure I’ll be ok and I TOTALLY HAVE TO DECORATE IT! This major Halloween shin-dig is tomorrow and my classroom is screwed if I don’t get it done! How disappiointed with the kids and parents be.
Luckily I’ve been bringing home crafts with me to work on, not that I have touched any of it but I think I will today. I HAVE TO.
I’m sorry to have to vent but I was just a bit offended about the thought that I brought this upon myself. I wouldn’t even have considered a doctor if not two days before so it’s not like I put it off till I was hacking up a lung. I’ve had many coughs in my time and no tonsalitis. Ok i’m gonna “let sleeping dogs lie” – whichever teacher taught me that phrase back in the day… I just used it!
Mom and everyone who worries, I’m frickin fine. Just pray I don’t trash Halloween. Sucks to be sick for one of my favorite holidays on top of it all.
I do feel a little less guilty bc when I stayed home I was actually sick. I don’t like staying home if I can tough it out. Kind of like my dad.
Ok so off to craft hell I go! Some OJ, ramen noodle soup and plenty of water.
PS I must say it can be kind of annoying to be sick in another country and to communicate your symptoms and whatnot. I could have sworn Ellie sounded a bit annoyed. She’s like are you listening? I’m thinking lady I’m frickin listening. haha. I just can’t exactly shout back at you with my crappy voice right now.