Sept. 19 – BC, Canada
Day 49 – kept driving….. I have to say hwy 37 is great to drive in British Columbia – but be pre-pared for some rough roads and dirt roads – and do it all during the day. After our second stretch of dirt road I received the shock of rolling onto brand new asphalt road with brightly painted lines on it. After driving down either old paved road with no lines or a dirt road for the past 300 miles, brand new asphalt with lines that even reflect at night was a treat.
Tags: 06 - Canada (agian)
whats british columbia so how r u and it all going. school is ok i had a metldown becuase there is a lot of work but 7th is cool. i want to be nice and like overpowering to the 6th graders. thats the best part.