BootsnAll Travel Network

Feb. 26 – Uruguay

Day 209 – We parted ways with Lyndell, Orlando, Arianna, and Dito; they were heading off to the airport that night. We had such a great time with you guys and loved visiting Uruguay. We can´t thank you enough for sharing your time and family with us during the trip! We miss you guys a lot and can’t wait to see you again, hopefully sooner than later! Thank you to all of Orlando’s family for bringing us into your homes and letting us feel like family; we had a really great time.

This morning, after sad goodbyes, we set off to tour Colonia and visit Orlando´s brother, Alejandro. Alejandro was super nice and walked with us all around town. He showed us the harbor, old town, and his neighborhood. The old buildings and the small streets lined with trees create a tranquil feeling throughout the town. While we were walking around we saw a vehicle that had to belong to a world traveler; they are easy to pick out because normally they are Range Rovers or Land Rovers and are fully decked out with storage and are very secure & strong looking. We left them a card of ours on the windshield with a note on the back. Overall we had a really nice day, that was spent in great company. After dinner and strong insistence from Alejandro, we stayed in his apartment for the night. He made me a steaming pot of herbs to breathe in through my nose to help with a small cold I was getting; yes the second one in two weeks 🙁 It really helped clear up my throat and nose. Great stuff!

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One response to “Feb. 26 – Uruguay”

  1. ari says:

    i love u april
    that was an awsome trip
    i miss u ari

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