Nov 29 – Mexico, Baja
Day 120 – Up at the crack of dawn – we’ve been getting up around 6.30 am every morning and going to bed around 9.00-10.00pm (well, Jason is going to bed around 8.00-9.00pm he’s the sleepiest person I know). It is nice to watch the sunrise each morning, and since it is getting dark at 5.30pm it is hard to stay up late. When I say it gets dark outside, it’s not like in the states where we have a hundred lights on and can’t even see the stars. In the countryside and in the small towns of Mexico it is pitch black with all the stars shining brightly – it is muy beautiful.
Cati that is mostly found in Central Baja California. They were all over the place.
So today we stayed on highway 1 south, basically the only major highway in Baja, and rode through the desert. We saw so many different cacti and barren land – I loved it! Be warned: you must fill up your gas tank at El Rosario before heading further south, because the next gas station is not until your tank is almost empty 🙂
Too much desert driving….
This area had tons and tons of boulders – actually, mountains of them!
We headed to Bahia de los Angeles on highway 12. It has a gorgeous ocean view and we were going to spend the night there, but the town only takes cash and has no banks or atm’s. So, since we didn’t have much dinero on us at the moment (we put off taking any out, oops) we just took a look around. The town was very simple, though we didn’t spend much time there since we needed to head back to a bigger town to get cash for tonight. We put as much gas into the car as we had money on us and headed back to highway 1.
The view from the mountain while we drove down to Bahia de los Angeles.. the colors were much more brillant than it looks in the picture.
We stayed the night at Guerrero Negro, a decent sized town but not much interesting going on besides whale watching and overpriced accommodations.
Tags: 08 - Mexico, baja mexico, drive
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