Dec. 18/20 – Mexico, Baja
Day 137-139 – We visited Susanna’s house for some coffee and nice conversation. Her house, which is just about finished, is an amazing network of gardens, rooms, and open spaces. She created a clean modern feeling home and kept to local materials and construction techniques. It is a very open yard and home, but the way she organized and designed it the space breaks down to cozy areas. Thank you for having us over Susanna!
random photo at Los Cerritos
Los Cerritos sunset – it’s getting colder at night! Yes, that is a hat on my head for warmth…
The rest of the week and weekend were just basic days consisting of Spanish classes, cleaning up the lot we were staying on (click here scorpion.jpg for a look at the scorpion Jason found – it was about an inch long), cooking, and trying to clean up the car since my brother is coming to visit us soon. We had a great surprise when we ran into TJ on Friday in town, and later that night we met up at a reggae concert that was being held at one of the RV parks by the beach. I was amazed at how many young people came, the place was packed!
Reggae night hosted at San Pedrito’s Trailer Park outside of Todos Santos
We hung out at the beach with TJ, at our normal spot on Los Cerritos, until he left the next day. We bought TJ’s surf board from him right before he left. Thanks man for the board, it has been fun learning how to surf! Jason still hasn’t caught anything with the prized hook 😉 I think you had some skill with the pole; any suggestions for him? 🙂
Tags: 08 - Mexico
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