Bread and Larvae and Gordita Cheeks
January 9th, 2007Xela, darling Xela, feels like home now. I am glad to be back, and in the full swing of cooking. We started up lunch club again, and I was the chef del dia today. I went to make a very simple pasta with spinach and tomato sauce and mozzarella. As I was dumping the pasta into the almost boiling water a whole bunch of dead bugs floated to the surface. We spent a lot of time discussing whether or not we should attempt to salvage the pasta. However, when I discovered larvae, we decided it is best to forgo the pasta and we used some leftover rice to make “risotto.”
Right now I am waiting for my bread to rise and also avoiding writing a Spanish composition, the subject of which is “mujeres.” That´s right, please write an essay about women. Hmmm. Seems just a little broad.
Finally, I have acquired the nickname of gordita at Sakribal, the school I am studying at. My cheeks apparently are healthily full, although when I suggested to Dona Olga, the owner of the school, that my face looked like the moon she said, no, but I need to be careful. Thanks Olga, muchisimo gracias.
Oh, I´m teaching English to a young man here. It´s going well…no other exciting news.