BootsnAll Travel Network

The Stateside Portion

Returning to the United States, I have luxuriated in a few things: hot water showers with pressure, seeing my friends and family, being able to call my friends and not have it be a big planned production, sushi. But, I’ve also missed some things: speaking Spanish everyday, the market and being inspired to cook crazy creations by the beautiful people in my house, going out for a nice meal and having it only set me back a few quetzales.

Now, it’s time for the U.S. portion of my adventure. I suffered through about two weeks of snowy, coldness in Chicago (replete with crazy boystown nights and lovely lunches and dinners with friends and family and neighbors). The plan is such: Drive across the LARGE state of Nebraska and visit the brotheratron in Colorado Springs, Co. We will frolic in the mountains for a day, and then I’ll head to Las Vegas to see the best friend. From there, up highway 101 and my adventure to find an apartment and a job in San Francisco begins. I’ll keep you posted.

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One response to “The Stateside Portion”

  1. Angela says:

    How long are you home? I have tentative plans to visit Chicago in the near future. I would love to visit!nrAngela

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