BootsnAll Travel Network

Bread and Larvae and Gordita Cheeks

Xela, darling Xela, feels like home now. I am glad to be back, and in the full swing of cooking. We started up lunch club again, and I was the chef del dia today. I went to make a very simple pasta with spinach and tomato sauce and mozzarella. As I was dumping the pasta into the almost boiling water a whole bunch of dead bugs floated to the surface. We spent a lot of time discussing whether or not we should attempt to salvage the pasta. However, when I discovered larvae, we decided it is best to forgo the pasta and we used some leftover rice to make “risotto.”

Right now I am waiting for my bread to rise and also avoiding writing a Spanish composition, the subject of which is “mujeres.” That´s right, please write an essay about women. Hmmm. Seems just a little broad.

Finally, I have acquired the nickname of gordita at Sakribal, the school I am studying at. My cheeks apparently are healthily full, although when I suggested to Dona Olga, the owner of the school, that my face looked like the moon she said, no, but I need to be careful. Thanks Olga, muchisimo gracias.

Oh, I´m teaching English to a young man here. It´s going well…no other exciting news.

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-2 responses to “Bread and Larvae and Gordita Cheeks”

  1. Abe says:

    Heh, yeah, that essay topic does sound a little “broad.” Huh huh huh.

  2. Sarah says:

    Good one Abe.

    At Sakribal Rosario told me several stories about your wicked wit. Obviously she was not mistaken.

  3. kathleen reuter says:

    Well Ebee,
    Gordita cheeks…not the most flattering of nicknames…but you do have a beautiful round face and I am glad to hear that it is happy. Larvae? not so very appealing but then again they probably taste like chicken. Muerjes…mmm. We are in the Springs with Jake, just returned from Copper Mountain where I spent most of the time puking and shitting…trying a little chicken soup right now and I am not so sure eating was the right move. Oh well. I will work on the stuff for Loyola when we get home, I had planned to do it in Copper…anyhow…All my love.

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