Gracias a dios
November 2nd, 2005I left the Garifuna village and went by taxi, bus, taxi, bus, bus to my next destination, Gracias a Dios (thanks to god), which is in the mountains in the western part of Honduras. I was absolutely after the second taxi driver charged me 50 Lempiras for a cab ride…I thought it was worth 20 Lempiras at best…the next bus I took cost 50 Lempiras, and was at least 2 hours long…how could a cab cost just as much? Now, 20 Lempiras is just over a dollar, and 50Lems is just over $2.50, so if you do the math, you can see that I got ripped off a whole $1.50, so it’s not all that big of a deal, I know. The guy needs that $1.50 more than I do. But, it’s the principle of the matter that he upcharged me 150% just for being a tourist. But enough of that… Continue reading this entry »