OK. I’ve gotten several inquiries asking where the heck the photos are. Well, people, it’s a busy life sleeping on the beach, exploring caves, and hiking up volcanoes…patience, patience.
Actually, I’ve been trying for a while to figure out the best way to do this, and I think I’ve got it. After realizing that I had my camera set on the best of the best of settings (meaning each photo was about 2MB and took half a year to upload), and finding a site to host my pictures like a webpage, I think I’ve got it.
Check this link:
Not all the photos are here. I will be updating them perhaps even later today (Wed. 10/25). I’ve also put in a comment for each of the picture, explaining what it is. I’m limited to 120 characters, so that may explain why some of them sound dumb.
Save this link, and enjoy.
Tags: Travel, Tag Index