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Cova Santa

Thursday, July 13th, 2006

Hola chicos! it´s now been five days since we open the restaurant but it seams like ages… work is going good, not so many customers as we thought we would had, but is going better and better. I don´t know if I´ve told you, but there´s a Flamenco and Magic show every night during dinner. Both are very good, but the magician is very young (21), and therefore he makes some mistakes sometimes during the show, but still very impressive. The flamenco part is awesome! Much better than last year, because now there are four people dancing, two women and two men, one of them is Rafael Amargo probably one of the most important dancer in the flamenco world, and the other one who danced last year as well, is Jose Maya also avery known flamenco dancer. [read on]

No es mucha cosa….

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

If you haven´t been to Ibiza yet, don´t worry you are really not missing THAT much! Really????

jajajajajajajajajaja 🙂


Ciao Bob the builder! Hola SAI the waiter

Saturday, July 1st, 2006
Well yes, the building is finished, AT LAST!!!!!! it was fun but it was about time for that phase to end. During the past three and a half months I shoveled, jackhammered, built, unbuilt, painted, saw, carried (oh yeah a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Stressful times

Saturday, June 24th, 2006
Hola a todos, sorry for being away for so long. I don´t have internet acces at home and going to an internet cafe is a pain in the bum. As the title says, yes I´m stressed. The restaurant is gonna open ... [Continue reading this entry]

Aoife is here!

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006
Hi, I don´t have much time now, but I still want to tell that everything is perfect! The life with Aoife is as it always was in Germany, almost no troubles ;), work still exhausting, Aoife has a sore arm from painting ... [Continue reading this entry]

Change of life, Ibiza part II

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006
Hi, Aoife arrives tomorrow and I´m very happy for that. Now the second part of my life in Ibiza begins. Tomorrow I leave my aunts house, pick up Aoife at the airport and move in to the new place. Then on ... [Continue reading this entry]

Finally, I got my fisheye!!!

Saturday, May 27th, 2006
Hi, oh by the way I posted three (yes 3) post today so scroll down and don´t miss the others. This is gonna be a short one. I´ve always wanted a fisheye lens for my camera, and I´ve been looking for ... [Continue reading this entry]

Traudel in Ibiza

Saturday, May 27th, 2006
It took me a couple of days to post this but, here we go... Traudel, the spanish girl that worked with me in Germany at the Botany institut, came last weekend to visit me. She arrived on the Thursday and stayed ... [Continue reading this entry]

Colombia on video

Friday, May 26th, 2006
I got chills when I saw this video. I just got it but had to share it immediately. It made me happy, nostalgic, sad and in love. Yes I am colombian! Video AQUI!  

Almost two months now…

Sunday, May 14th, 2006
Good day people! I´m amazed how fast time can pass. It´s being almost two month (16th of march) since I arrived in Ibiza, and though I´ve done a lot, it seems like just a couple of days ago, when I ... [Continue reading this entry]