Cova Santa
Hola chicos! it´s now been five days since we open the restaurant but it seams like ages… work is going good, not so many customers as we thought we would had, but is going better and better. I don´t know if I´ve told you, but there´s a Flamenco and Magic show every night during dinner. Both are very good, but the magician is very young (21), and therefore he makes some mistakes sometimes during the show, but still very impressive. The flamenco part is awesome! Much better than last year, because now there are four people dancing, two women and two men, one of them is Rafael Amargo probably one of the most important dancer in the flamenco world, and the other one who danced last year as well, is Jose Maya also avery known flamenco dancer.
Things with Aoife are going great, she is doing awesome at work and every day she speaks a bit more spanish. Last night, we had the night off, because our zone were the one that had more customers and there weren´t too many reservation for the night. So the new director, who is an a$$, gave the night off.
The weather is too hot for my taste, normally around 35 C degrees, and the last couple of days without wind. Bochorno!! Well at least we can go to the beach!
My journey seems very close now, only three months more of working, and the bank statement smiles at me. Almost there….
Ok then, you all take care, and I hope your things are going well
viele liebe Grüsse
Tags: Cova Santa, Ibiza, Ibiza 2006, Travel
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