The world tour moves on…
Wednesday, May 31st, 2006Well, what a start. It’s been a great ten weeks here. I’ve done such a lot, but covered so little of the country. From the majestic forts of Rajasthan, to the peaks of the greatest mountain range on earth; washing my sins away in the Ganges and the spectacle of the Golden Temple and the Taj Mahal… The FOND memories of the 4.30am bus journeys in the mountains (well it wasn’t all good!) All the people: from the gypsy people who fed me khawa and chapattis in their huts at 3500m in Kashmir, to the guides who adopted us in Rishikesh and the businessman in Mumbai: a bit of a contrast. And of course all you lovely people I’ve shared the journey with: and luckily NO PROFESSIONAL TRAVELLERS*
One thing the Lying Planet (universally accepted as the worst guidebook ever written) got right:
“India is a place to expect the unexpected … it isn’t a place your merely see; it’s an invigorating assault on all the senses, an experience impossible to define as it’s so different for everyone … Love it or hate it … will jostle your entire being and no matter where you go, or what you do, it’s a place you will never forget.”
and with so much more to see, so much more I’d like to do in the correct season, I’m sure I’ll be back. Someday.
Besides, in a land of over one billion people, there must be someone who hasn’t dragged me into their holiday photos yet…
As the guidebook melted apart some weeks ago, and the stitching is coming undone, it must be time to move on. Tomorrow morning, I’ll be waking up in Singapore, where it all starts again.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to have a final Kingfisher before my taxi in 2 hours. As Geoff Tipps (especially for Craig and Matt the scouse chimp) would say, “three pints of BlueBird.”
* professional traveller is someone who spends 6 weeks in Goa, finds themself, and then decks themself out entirely in tie-dye clothes. White male version will have dread-locks. (Thanks for the definition!)