BootsnAll Travel Network

Cusco, Peru – Day 2

Our second day in Cusco was much different than the first. We “kicked it up” a notch and went local. Our morning was spent touring the local artist market and mailing boxes at the post office. We were then picked up by our hotel manager, Rafael, and we offered to take him out to lunch as long as he took us to a “local” establishment. A side of pig, two 40 oz. beers, three shots of Ouzo tasting liquer, and a bottle of wine later, we were ready to hit the town.

We convinced Rafael to take us to the local food market so that we could get the authentic flavor. We ventured out of the main tourist areas and into the part of town where the locals lived and ate. The market was sprawling with every type of food you could imagine. There was a chocolate section, potato section, flower section, and of course (my favorite) the meat section. Shelly and three little pigs were gracious enough to pose for a photo.


With the local theme in mind, we decided to eat dinner at a restaurant known for regional food. Being in Cusco I had to try the food the city was known for… guinea pig! It does not taste like chicken, rather like game (duck, pheasant, etc.). Overall, the meal was great and I can now say I ate a family pet.


Tomorrow we are catching the 6:50 train to Machu Picchu and hopefully we will get a clear day to see the ruins.


3 responses to “Cusco, Peru – Day 2”

  1. Josie Hansen says:

    Dear Uncle Nate and Aunt Shelly,
    Thanks for the monkey alarm clock. I enjoy using it all of the time. I love the funny sounds it makes. When I use it in the morning, it wakes up every one. I’m exited to use it for school. Thanks again!



  2. Gil says:

    The three little pigs are terrific! I’m glad you two are taking some time to ‘keep it real’. Safe travels!

  3. Tina says:

    You ate a poor little guinnea pig? OMG – get it out of your system before Nikki arrives!

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