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The Tale of the Tails

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

As our last post from Buenos Aires, I think it is important to document one of the most prevalant things about our stay: tails. While in Buenos Aires, we saw:

Hundreds of dog tails
Dozens of human tails

One little pig tail

The dog tails are self-explanatory, as Nate already enlightened you about the many dogs of Argentina (both street strays and pampered pets). But, the human tails and pig tail need a little explaining.

The fashion and modern art astethic in Buenos Aires is very much an homage to the 80´s. Girls wear flourescent clothing paired with shoes of various colors (no basic black in this country!) and the boys well….they have tails! Remember the 1980´s when it was fashionable to leave a piece of hair growing in the back of your hair that is longer than the rest? Well, that is what is popular here, from young children to adult males, to punk rock waitresses. I really couldn´t believe my eyes. This is one trend that I really hope stays in the Southern hemisphere.

The last tale of the tails is of one little curly Q tail that belonged to our dinner one night. We went to a barbeque at the apartment owner´s place so we could see a new area of town, meet some locals, and learn about Buenos Aires. When we arrived, we discovered that our dinner was an entire roasted pig that had been slow-cooking on the BBQ for half a day, curly Q tail and all. The pig was brought back as a present from one of the workers, along with an armadillo. Luckily, they saved the armadillo for another meal. No one is really sure how these meat products were transported during the 15 hour bus ride, but as guest, I just tried to keep my gaze away from the pig tail and enjoy the moment.

There have been many great moments during our long stay in Argentina and we look forward to sharing more pictures and stories when we get back.

But, alas, it´s time to move on. Time to put away the flip-flops and shorts and venture back into jeans and coats as we head east to Paris. Our 24-hour travel journey begins in just a couple hours.


Buenos Aires, Argentina – Days 6 and 7

Thursday, January 17th, 2008

The hot weather has finally subsided and we´re able to enjoy the daylight hours without soaking in sweat. The last few days have been fairly uneventful for a guy vacationing with three women. Lots of walking around and looking in every shoe and clothing store in town. The Argentinians are smart, though, most nice shops have a ¨man bench¨in the front where guys can park it while the women shop. The bench is the first thing I look for when entering a new establishment.

Two nights back, we did something very non-local… ate at a vegitarian restaurant. Nikki is vegitarian and being one in Buenos Aires can make eating very difficult. Argentinians feast on a steady diet of beef, ham, and bread and sip mate´(picture a strong herbal tea) daily to help with regularity issues caused by their fiber-less diet. Anyway, we thought it would be nice to take Nikki somewhere she could be with her people. We ate salad for the first time in 2 weeks, and I have to admit, it was a nice change of pace.


Us at Bio (Note: No animals were harmed making this photo)

The rest of our time has been spent becoming very proficient at navigating the Buenos Aires subway system, it will get you to most places in the city for $.50, and touring the Museum of Modern Art. Other than that, there´s not much new to talk about so I´ll keep this short. We´re going to eat at Las Lilas tonight and chow down on some meat. They´re known for serving the best beef in Buenos Aires so it should be a great meal. We´re also preparing to leave Buenos Aires for our next location… Paris. We hope everyone is doing well back home and thanks for all of your comments, we love reading them.

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Days 3 – 5

Sunday, January 13th, 2008
IMG_0587.jpg Yesterday, our friend Kajsa arrived in Buenos Aires so the whole crew is finally together. The weather has been pleasant over the past few days, but today it got sticky wet again. A ... [Continue reading this entry]

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Day 2

Thursday, January 10th, 2008
Today is a great day. For the first time on our trip we found an Internet Cafe with something faster than a dial-up connection and can now post a real entry. As Shelly mentioned in the previous post, Nikki ... [Continue reading this entry]

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008
Just a quick note to let everyone know that we are now in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We arrived last night around 11pm to over 90º heat and sweltering humidity which continues today. Despite the heat, today is a ... [Continue reading this entry]