BootsnAll Travel Network

Buenos Fucking A!

Having crossed the border into Argentina last weekend, I came to realise what all the fuss was about with the waterfalls. I think I previously described them as ´nice´or something, but from the Argentinian side they were stunning. Lots of trails around the forest surrounding them, and a look down into the big falls called the Devils Throat made for a beautiful day. Hard to describe but one of these days I´ll find an internet cafe that´ll allow me to sort out some photos for these pages to give an idea, just don´t hold your breath.

Waterfalls at Iguazu
Finally, here´s a photo of the waterfalls at Iguazu

Well since then I´ve been in Buenos Aires, and it´s one hell of a city. You have to adjust your body clock to eat at around 10pm (or later) then a bar for a couple drinks before going to the clubs at around 2am. I´ve made it to breakfast quite a few times, but only because we´ve still been up from the night before.

It´s not all nocturnal hedonism mind you; I found myself caught up in an anti-corruption protest one day, got lost (and creeped-out) in the big cemetary where Eva Peron is buried on another, and today we´re off to a big football match, Boca Juniors vs. Quilmes. Two football matches in just over a month, what´s going on?

Planning to escape this city for a few days next week (before it kills me) and take the ferry over to Uruguay, before heading back here next weekend.

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