Nine Days To Go! P.S – Scary Photo Of Me!
Talk about mixed emotions. My mind has been racing between excitement, anxiousness, fear, wonderment; you name it! Last night I took five minutes to focus on my emotions, think about what I’m going to miss and what I’m going to experience. Can’t remember any of it, but it was deep stuff.
So, nine days to go and I’m on my last day at work. It’s hit hardest today, leaving work is a mile stone; no turning back now monkey boy, your out of employment, time to get on a plane and head east.
And east we shall head. First stop Thailand, Bangkok. Expectations? Trying not to have any but I visage a big cloud of pollution with tiny Thai people running around in all directions in an absolute frenzy. Hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
As the last days creep up on us I’ve gone into overdrive. I have this habit of leaving everything to the last minute, no matter how hard I try I always end up running around the house and throwing myself down the stairs to make a dash for the door and arrive ‘wherever’ just in time. I can’t handle that this time, we’re not going for a couple of weeks; we’ll be gone for most of a year! A year people, am I getting through to you here? Damn that’s a long time. What’s happened to me in the last year? No idea, can’t remember what happened last week. Ruined that analogy before we got started. So anyway, where was I… leaving things till last, yes? Don’t want to do that. Glad we agree.
Tags: Before The Beginning
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