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Archive for March, 2006

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Monday, March 27th, 2006

We’re struggling to update this website lately.  With so little time in such a big country we’re spending most of our time, would you believe, travelling.  We’ll try to get an update on what we’ve been doing with ourselves for the past numerous weeks soon, but until then little me indulge you in the brief version.

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Australian Animals, Fruits and Musical Instruments

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

CRIKEY! It’s The Australia Zoo!

Home indeed to the crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin. It was a must see we decided, and despite not catching a glimpse of Mr Irwin himself we did have a fantastic day. It opened at 9am and we were waiting at the gates. We’d spent the night parked up outside someone’s house, so hadn’t hung around when the sun came up.

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Australian Fruits, Instruments and Other Things

Friday, March 17th, 2006

During our time around Byron Bay we took a couple of overnight trips in our camper to surrounding attractions...

Tropical Fruit World
Laura writes
Fruit Table
The aftermath when you offer endless tasty fruits for ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ooh-ooh, More Tiger Photos!

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006
Thanks to a very kind friend we met in Thailand, Louise, we've been staying in her house over the last couple of days - more to come of that later - and exchanging tiger photos (we met her whilst adoring ... [Continue reading this entry]