BootsnAll Travel Network

And now; farewell.

Bon Voyage

Rupert says:
The day started early for me and Laura, which is more than I can say for our fabulous Mr Tew! Who, as always, was late by an hour and a half. But it mattered not, Mark was very generous in lending his services with the supply of decks, mixer, amps and not least his expectional talent spinning and scratching those records. And not forgetting his selfless and brilliant taxi service; thank you Mark Tew! And whilst we’re here, thank you to Nick Dyson for supplying his sexy Numark CD deck thingy and of course his talent on the decks; also thanks to Andy who spun us to the lighter side of four bar music.

Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005 Thank you to Corey who looked after the BBQ, despite swearing he wouldn’t go near it!

Laura says:
Rupert and myself would also like to give much thanks to Vanessa, for her cake decorating and unexpected, but very much appreciated gifts! A special thanks to Faye who called us all the way from South America, Sam, Sim and Mitesh who travelled for miles just to see us off, and Jenna who trekked all the way up from Cornwall to North Devon, only to find she was refused passage; a valiant attempt Miss Hynd; big kisses. And to everyone else who attended the party, it was delightful to have you all there!

Here’s a few moments we managed to catch, we’re just sorry we couldn’t catch them all!
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005
I was particulary useless this time with taking photos, so sorry to all of you who never got snapped!

Our resident DJs!
Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005

The survivors, who were treated to a second BBQ and Pims for breakfast:
Morning after

Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005Our Leaving Party - 26th August 2005


4 responses to “And now; farewell.”

  1. Dave says:

    Dear Laura & Rupert…..

    Lucky you are going thousands of miles away as that picture of me is fooking terrible!!! I owe you one!!!!!

  2. admin says:

    Ssh, it’s a wonderful photo! It displays your playful nature!

  3. Nathan says:

    I like that , I mix with Tewy for 7 hours whilst Nick swans off to Hardcore Heaven and he is still called the resdient DJ. Bloody cheek eh eh you get me?

  4. admin says:

    Nathan your the superstar DJ, only you get that label. Rock on mofo.

  5. Nathan says:

    Did you hear that everyone?? I am the superstar

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