Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Rupert writes
Halong Bay
Halong Bay has three thousand islands. Whether that’s an estimate or they went around and counted every one of them I’m not sure, but if it’s the latter then it make this Unesco World Heritage site even more of a natural marvel than it already is, and the Vietnamese incredibly anal. But who can blame them if they are; this place demands to be explored, the islands close proximity of each other creates a mystical adventure -straight out of an Enid Blyton book- feeling.
We had booked ourselves on to a two day tour, which had originally included a nights stay on Cat Ba island, but as we were planning on staying an extra couple of nights we took the opportunity to sleep on the boat for an extra five dollars each. And one must ask themselves if it was worth paying ten dollars to sleep with cockroaches and rats (although originally I had satisfied both myself and Laura that the droppings on the floor and the scratching that had woken me up belonged to the smaller rodent, a mouse), but still the answer is yes, because as always it’s the company that matters, and we had good company. After a day of exploring caves…
Rocks to the left of me, more rocks to the right, stuck in the middle with you…
This cave was awesome. Apparently once used by the Chinese for a hide out. I want to live there.
…and swimming, jumping off the side of the boat and kayaking we spent a pleasant evening getting thoroughly drunk on Vietnamese vodka with three couples from Denmark, Germany and Australia, each learning our native expression for “cheers”, and Laura repeating “press-ups” in German, the only word she apparently knew before learning “Proste” when raising her glass.
The next morning we were taken to the island and checked into a huge hotel that we had all to our selves (low season for them). Cat Ba town is an odd place consisting of eighty high rise hotels and not a lot else. We spent a fantastic evening with a Kiwi couple we had met on the bus journey to Hanoi, the German couple from the boat and a few French and Israelis, playing pool (of varying styles) and drinking a lot…
My primary goal for dragging Laura out to this place was to climb some rocks, so the following morning we hired a kayak and did just that, whilst getting very wet along the way…
…after hours of staying immaculately dry Laura fell at the very end when we landed back on the beach. Sadly I missed the photo opportunity to catch Laura with her pleased face on. It wasn’t the best way to find the best routes for climbing so I didn’t get a lot done, but it has given me the incentive to go back; next time I’ll hire a fishing boat to take us out to better islands. But it was a fun day all in all.
That night we went back to the bar we had enjoyed so much the night before but it just wasn’t the same without the great company of new friends, so we left the next morning and went back to Hanoi…
Last days in Hanoi (photos)
Before we knew it we had these baskets on our shoulders and conical hats on our heads. We knew the moment that photo was taken we’d be lured into buying a banana or two. But they did taste good.
A stroll through the locals market.
Tags: Travel
Hey guys,
Great to hear your adventures are still amazing and your pictures are still brill. I absoultely LOVE the pic you have taken at the top of Halong Bay wow I wanna go there! Sorry havent been in touch been manic here my sister has just been up for the weekend so we’ve been getting wrecked in Worcester. I have joined the gym here too so am keeping nice and fit! Although you guys seem to be fitter with all the travelling! Take it easy ill keep in touch! Loves ya both! xxxx
Hi peeps,
Vietnam looks amazing. I have always wanted to go there & the pictures prove what a lovely place it is. Its been very wet here but not too wet to stop the fireworks on saturday night. Me, Zoe and Jo all went to Keynsahm rugby club to watch the display :@) Then off to castros to Dj and bop around. Top night alround.
Shame you couldnt share a nice bottle of red with us afterwards.
All the best
Y & Zoe x
Sam: Good to hear from you, glad someone is willing to visit you in depths of brown sauce… sorry Worcester. That’s sister love for you! Hope our postcards are getting through x
Yeti: Wine here is outrageously priced and beer temptingly cheap, which explains my up and coming beer belly. That said I have now laid off the local beer and sticking to water and smoothies until my belly recedes a fraction. The lack of a good glass of red for months on end will be made up with vengeance when I return, you mark my words. Oil that cork screw. Oh and how’s our plant?
Hi Rupert!
Tina gave me the web page address and several attempts later here I am. It looks amazing and good to see you looking so well and having such a good time. Love to you all & hope to speak to you soon More x