Its official….
Todd and Lisa have spent 270 consecutive days together and still like each other!!!
Now we know there was a little speculation about the ‘Bang’…..thinking that there was gonna be some big action… well our idea of a ‘bang’ is ending our trip on a private island in the middle of Tonga.
The grand finale 2 weeks of our trip started out a little rough. The day before we left for the cook islands, we checked our bank account online and found that someone had gotten Lisa’s CC# and done a really good job at emptying her checking and the joint saving. They charged 4000$$$ to a shoe stoe in Saudi Arabia…. Lisa wishes that was her charge!! anyways, we tried our best to brush of the fact that we didn’t have any cash, at least we got credit and are on our way through the South Pacific!! We arrived in Rarotonga at 2 am to find that our luggage was not on the plane with us. We had to spend our first day on the island in jeans and long sleeve shirts. But like the customs guy said…. “at least we got duty free booze”.!!! We swam in our underwear and borrowed toothpaste until a day and half later our bags arrived. NOT a good start.
Things obviously turned around and we enjoyed a wonderful 5 days on Raro and 4 day on an outer island, Aitutaki. We will not bore you with the details… but we had a wonderful time.
From Raro, we came back to Auckland, spent 10 hours in the airport and then headed to Tonga. We initially booked a room at a surf resort on the main island. After 2 days we found that they only take cash… not really on option for us. So we headed to plan B. A little island called Pangaimoto just a short boat ride away. There is a small resort there and NOTHING else….. absolutely beautiful. Once again we wont bore you with the details, but we ended up being the only guests there for 2 nights. We spent our days playing in the ocean and our nights drinking Kava with all the local boys that lived there!! Our own private island, could there be a more perfect ending to our RTW trip???……boooo hoooo
We are sitting the in the auckland airport now (again), waiting for a plane to LA. We are trying not to think about the reality of it, so we will not write any deep thoughts on how we feel!! Those will come later…. just because we are going home, we are not ready to give up the blog. We are sure that we will do a few more posts because we have some more pics to post that we can’t do here.
Tags: Travel
Sounds like a classic/perfect ending to your whirlwind journeys. I actually saw Andy in Richmond last weekend and he told me about your cc/cash issue….such a bummer! I am glad to hear that it didn’t dampen the mood too much…and it sounds like the private island resort was a great last stop!
I am sorry your trip has come to an end but can’t wait to see you both! Give a shoutout when you get back Stateside!
Safe Travels…
Much Love,
Awesome yall!
See you this weekend…
How does that crap work? I assume you’re insured or something and will get that moolah back! I hope so–otherwise how will you afford to come visit me in Portland????I know that you are going to be overwhelmed with the amount of peeps that want a piece of you once you’re back stateside, but I am very excited at the prospect of hearing your voices in the near future. Take a deep breath. Its going to take a bit to adjust back into “real” life. Big huge kisses to you both!
ohmygod – i can’t believe it has come to an end…i got sad for you while reading your last entry – BUT then i realized (on a more selfish tip) that i get to see you guys soon, and i was glad.
you guys have really covered some amazing territory, you should be proud of yourselves!