BootsnAll Travel Network

Israel Pictures

This is Natalie and Oded at the wedding…ahhh the newlyweds!!!
Below are pictures of us flaoting around at the Dead Sea. Sunset there was very beautiful. The pinks and blues are quite a change from the reds and oranges of Maui sunsets. The last picture, though it looks suspicious, is actually a mound of salt extracted from the Dead Sea.

These pictures are of Masada, a fortress built on top of this mountain Todd is standing in front of, please turn your head. Believe it or not, Lisa woke up early enough to watch sunrise and hike to the top of the mountain. Our hostel had a balcony that overlooked the desert and the Sea.

The pictures below are mostly of Petra. Like we said in the post, Petra is breathtaking and the pictures do not do much justice. But, none theless, you can use your imagination. The last two pictures are in Eilat. Look how clear the water is here!!! We loved the Red Sea.


2 responses to “Israel Pictures”

  1. aloha out there! It looks great! Have fun and tell us more about your meals…..mmmmm falafal……….-erica

  2. kim says:

    Hey you two, like everyone else I love the pics, I wish I could send you a few on my own. I just took a great one of Jimmy Buffet on stage with Jack Johnson (thanks for turning me on to him). I also have one form your “engagement party” of someones backside (and what a cute backside it is, hehe). I don’t know if you are up on current event in the U.S., but our party city of New Orleans is under water after huricane Katrina, that bitch, took out two of the levys, a.k.a. dams around the city, and displaced hundreds of thuosands of people. I have some amazing pics from one of the other nurses who was sent there to help out, and I volutered to go myself.
    continue to have a great time for all of us stuck here….kim