Lugging my suitcase around the city!
April 15th, 2007Yesterday mum and I went to the Travel Expo in the city, held at the Old Exhibition Building. I tended to focus on a few of the issues we’ve currently been having when talking to the exhibitors, and not just picking up random pamphlets for random places that, let’s face it, I really won’t be getting to within the next 12 months!
I found out the difference between quarantine and customs, which yeah, I really never knew. And told the guy I think it sucks that I can’t take my knitting needles on the plane because I might stab someone with them – what am I supposed to do for a 24 hour flight?! Even a small tiny sewing needle isn’t allowed.
I found out a lot of information about the different insurance companies, a drunk Russian lady for Renault let me know that you don’t need an International Driver’s Licence unless you plan to drive in Spain, Portugal or Italy. Whether or not I trust what she says is under debate. Because I’ve been looking around I’m aware of my prices and I bought a combination lock, tag locks, a European adaptor, hanging shower bag and, oh yeah, a suitcase that, because we caught the train into the city I then had to lug back down to Melbourne Central!
I’ve decided to go blue (not green!) with all my accessories – suitacase, backpack, etc. so I have some commonalities, but one guy I spoke to made a really good point when he said he’s looking for the ugliest pack ever – to ward off thieves. He also made a good recommendation, saying I should make my bags look really “wanky” (his word) not only so they stand out, but again to deter thieves. Puff paint here I come!