Jersey Evening Post and dinner out
I spent this morning at the Jersey Evening Post. It was really insightful, they have their printing press in the back of the building so Sue Le Ruez, the current editor, took me through the morning meeting and midday meetings, and Carl took me from there around the subs right out to the printing presses.
The JEP is printed just after midday so it ends up on the streets when people are on their lunchbreak or finishing work. It is one of the most read papers in the UK. The printing stuffed up a bit, and the editor found a mistake on one page, and then advertising found they made a mistake on the front page, so the good copies didn’t start coming until half 12.
But it was great, one of the guys handed me a new, still with wet ink, copy of the day’s paper. We watched them fly through to the next part of the building where they were stacked, manually filled with the day’s extras and then carted off for distribution.
It seemed like a really great place to work, and maybe somewhere I can be located in the future?!
We spent the evening out at dinner, Gran, Pops, Uncle Mark, Aunty Karen, Lija, myself, and not forgetting crazy Aunty Betty. I very kindly let Lija have the whole crazy experience, which went all night! I think it began with the cute (we later found out) owner of the restaurant asking what courses we wanted, and Aunty Betty yelling out “INTERCOURSE” of course. This is my 75 year old young-at-heart aunty scaring away the wait staff with her jokes and suggestive innuendo! What a laugh we had – a marvelous last night in Jersey.
I had these ‘baby’ beed ribs in bbq sauce, probably the last meat I’ll be eating for a while, which were delicious and I had to knaw at afterwards. Uncle Mark thought it was amazing I lasted so long before throwing down the cutlery and using my fingers, but hey, they provided little refresher towels which means they know its inevitable!!!
It was a short stay, but I am definitely hoping to return again soon when I can get cheap flights, supposedly they can go for as little as £14 – $30.
Love to everyone there, I will see you soon xoxo
Tags: Travel
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