Jersey Zoo
We went to check out the Jersey Zoo, now known as the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, which I doubt a lot of tourists would understand. But the difference is the majority of animals belonging there are on their way to extinction or being observed to help those that are nearly extinct.
There were yellow frogs that were poisonous, blue frogs with black freckles, meerkats with their babies all standing straight and tall, looking at the strange people taking photos of them. But my favourite are the gorillas and the orang-utans. I love the gorillas because one of Melbourne Zoo’s first baby gorillas Mazuri was sent to live at the Jersey Zoo several years before my last visit, in order to mate and extend the family tree. They changed his name over here to Ya-Kwandra, who is now the daddy of 3 babies.
All of them were out in the open and Ya-Kwandra held his shoulders back with a gruff look on his face and strode, with his fists pushing into the ground, over to the top of the hill where he could keep an eye on everyone – his family and the losers taking the photos.
The orang-utans were just as cute, mummy had about 4 in the family, youngest baby toddled along, hanging onto her at first – kinda the way Olivia sort of just grabs me and jumps up! But they were so funny to watch, walking back and forth, playing with the keepers, fighting with each other!
That evening we welcomed my aunt and uncle back into their house after their week-long holiday on Teneriffe Island!
Tags: Travel
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