BootsnAll Travel Network

The day

June 2nd, 2006

Alright I could barley sleep last night because I was so exctied about my tattoo being done today!!! I go in this morning at 10 am and will be there until the afternoon. If you are wondering what I am getting that is simple, I am getting a huge willow tree all over my entire back. it will even cover up my other tattoo.
If you fell for that then you did. My tattoo is not going to be a willow tree. It si going to be on my calve. So no worries there. Ah I am thrilled.Peace.


The weekend adventures

May 30th, 2006

Wow. WOW. wow. It was a rip roaring way to bring in the summer. We worked hard and then played even harder. First off the cowgirl bar is called “American Cowgirls” which I felt like I was at a bar in my home town. Actually it felt alot like Pistol Petes. A bar I am not a big fan of. This bar though was really weird. It was very hollow and and had flashing neon signs of nothing important on them. It had a large VIP room which was very strange. You are kind of above everyone looking down at all the peeps. Then the kicker… they had “whips hanging from the ceiling where the “hot” female bartenders could get up on the bar and hold the whips and do the hoochy dance.
So we split that joint and went to the Cooper Penny. wow that was another experience. This joint had cages you could dance in and a light up floor. We gave in and jumped in the cages and shook our thangs. The slumber party was super great. we had champange and Salmon hash and then watched Dirty Dancing. I think it has been 15+ years since I have seen that movie. yah the 80’s.
Hope you all had a great time this weekend. Let the summer begin.


The weekend of rain and fun

May 27th, 2006

So it is memorial weekend. I was just reading someones profile on match and the person started off my saying: Ah memeorial day i love to sit around think of all the soliders that fought for our country.
I thought that was a very interesting way to start your profile….
Anyway, I don’t really have this “holiday” I work all weekend. But let me tell you that is not going to stop me from haveing a great time.
Tonight we are going to a new Cowgirl bar called Cowgirl cafe where they have cowboy karakoe. I think maybe I will sing: i am proud to be an American..” it is still up for debate. After the karaoke feast we will head to Angies and have a slumber party!! Then awake to have a great brunch. I will then go see Shanthi and Sonali and have a indoor/outdoor picnic. Then in the evening a date… bowling. So looking busy. Hope all of your weekend adventures are full of memorial and fun!!



May 21st, 2006

Alert: Portland is missing something desperetly. We need to go on a good hunt and find the dancing scene. I am telling the honest truth there is no place where you can go and get your groove on. Last night we stood in line for twenty minutes at the Betty Ford club “cocktail therapy” and twenty minutes was our limit. The line was around the block and they were at capacity. So who knows how long you would have to wait till someone got tired off something inside and wanted to leave.
My next suggestion after the cowboy boy next week is the latin clubs. I want to salsa or tango. That is my next adventure. But seriously come on Portland where is the dance scene?????


Sun is shining the weather is sweet…

May 20th, 2006

Ode to Bob Marley.
Makes me want to move my dancing feet.
One of my favorite Bob Marley songs. That is what I woke up singing today. It is so true the weather has been incredible with warm sun and sometimes warm wind. And of course yesterday warm rain. It was very refreshing. And sun again today.
I am heading to the gym and then Sarah and I are going to talk to the artist and schedule tattoos. YAH! Then all the ladies are going dancing tonight! It will be a great time and off to Seattle tomarrow to see a show we are producing next year. I am excited to see the play. Well i hope all your weekend is great. much love,


What is this….

May 19th, 2006

Msrednose goes deep for a few:

I mean really what is this dating thing. Sex and the City really examined in some way how you can be in your thirties dating. Yet they were a rare bunch of ladies that were all single. Once again I am the lone lady of dating. I share all these stories with my married friends and the arleady coupled and in a relationship friends. And everyone has a point of view, yet they are not on the scene.
The whole science of protocol and how far you go and what you share with new people is a fucked up game in itself. I think back to past relationships and there was never any of this bullshit and tip toeing around a person to see if they liked you. I read on Sean’s blog that in Bali things are a little more straightforward in the dating scene there. Basically “You’re pretty, I like you”. And then that is that. You go forth and see what’s happens.
No I don’t want to move to Bali I just want this to be something of free flowing instead of jagged rock climbing. Anyway that is all I have to say right now. Hope you all are well…..


Msrednose report

May 10th, 2006

Okay a few more updates on online dating:

* One man wrote to me without sarting off with winking he just email me and said ” You are so pretty! Do you want to have coffee?”

* another man winked at me and he is in Iraq for 6 more months and is a strict conservetive and a christian. I wonder what we have in common.

* Another man winked at me froma small litttle town in South Carolina and states he is willing to move if he finds the ‘one”

Wow the one. My friend and I have been talking about that, the one. Isn’t it interesting how much we as a society and as women been programed to think there is the one and that we should hurry and get married to him because he is the one. I am not against finding a love and wanting a commitment in any way, I actually believe in it. It’s just how hazed and glossed over we are with the words the one and the idea of marriage we may not even know the perrson for who they really are. I think we lie to ourselves alot in this catergory.

Be adults and come to the table with who you really are instead of who you think you should be for someone else. Who do you want to be for yourself! Yah I know easier said than done.But still we should demand that of ourselves. Be real.

And online dating continues……


Back North

May 9th, 2006

So that was my offical first trip of 06′. I have not been on a plane or traveled anywhere since I got home from Christmas. It’s like riding a bike except you don’t ahve to balance or steer. You trust someone else to do that.

It was lovely in Auburn. The sun was out we got some tan lines and had a bbq. The pool was a little too cold. even though I love a good polar bearing I was not in the mood. My mom is doing great. What a challenge though we couldn’t laugh cause it hurt so we were very introspective and had great conversations. I love you mom.
Dad and I worked out. That was good. And I got to see my Grandma and sister in law and my brother.
And the shocker for everyone, I saw my old boyfriend. Apparently he has a landscaping buis and my parents hired him. With my dad asking the closing question did you date my daughter? He was a little scared but then found out it was me.
How strange it was, haven’t seen him for 15 years and what the hell was I going to talk to him about. He kept on asking silly questions like : “Do you remember Ed? ” I have no idea who Ed is. Anyway that is the report. Love ya


Going south

May 4th, 2006

So I leave on a plane tomorrow to go down to the old home town. I’m excited to spend three days with my parents. I am mostly going to keep my mom company. She just had surgery. Not to worry though she’s doing great. I just need to make sure for myself. My father has brought all the patio furniture out and the bbq is clean and ready so it shall be me and mom laying out and sipping on afternoon cocktails, virgin for her.

I called my sister in law and asked if she had a gym membership with guest passes. She said of course. And then asked are you crazy your on vacation why workout? I said exactly I am on vacation and must workout. She asked “So are you getting “yoked”. I love it. Yoked! So it’s like I am a yoked crack head!

REPORT: msrednose on line dating:

I tell you the funniest people “wink” at me. I look at their profiles and I ask how would we get along we have nothing in common? And the things people say to me. On my profile I talk about how I love to laugh, eat pickles and beets and that I love to eat mangos. People respond with all kinds of crazy one liners. One guys said he’s been laughing since he spit out is green bean baby food on his mother.
Anyway it is still entertaining and I have been on a fair amount of dates. My uncle said that I will know in two minutes and two seconds if there is a “love connection”. You know what I am talking about “Chuck Woolery” and the Love Connection. It’s all about chemestry.
Love to you all



May 1st, 2006

And yes a great celebration for the fertility rights of men and women as well as the land. May you all walk and be in great strides on this May Day and celebrate the Earth and all her wonders. And maybe you will be blessed with a stag dance/chase. You have three days now go!!!
