Going south
So I leave on a plane tomorrow to go down to the old home town. I’m excited to spend three days with my parents. I am mostly going to keep my mom company. She just had surgery. Not to worry though she’s doing great. I just need to make sure for myself. My father has brought all the patio furniture out and the bbq is clean and ready so it shall be me and mom laying out and sipping on afternoon cocktails, virgin for her.
I called my sister in law and asked if she had a gym membership with guest passes. She said of course. And then asked are you crazy your on vacation why workout? I said exactly I am on vacation and must workout. She asked “So are you getting “yoked”. I love it. Yoked! So it’s like I am a yoked crack head!
REPORT: msrednose on line dating:
I tell you the funniest people “wink” at me. I look at their profiles and I ask how would we get along we have nothing in common? And the things people say to me. On my profile I talk about how I love to laugh, eat pickles and beets and that I love to eat mangos. People respond with all kinds of crazy one liners. One guys said he’s been laughing since he spit out is green bean baby food on his mother.
Anyway it is still entertaining and I have been on a fair amount of dates. My uncle said that I will know in two minutes and two seconds if there is a “love connection”. You know what I am talking about “Chuck Woolery” and the Love Connection. It’s all about chemestry.
Love to you all
Tags: Travel
Sounds like a blast! Tell Mom and Dad “Hi, and I love them.” Also give Pace and Christy big hugs and kisses for me. I like the new look. Very- less is more. I love you crack head! Love, Me