BootsnAll Travel Network


Townsville 1

Townsville.  Hmm.  Not much to say about this litlle stopover in our journey really.  Any location that names itself a cross between two location-names (‘Town’-s-‘ville’) obviously has problems with its self-identity.  It’s not all that big a place, and when we arrived (2nd Jan) the place was as dead as my prospects of having a useful career path.  This could be attributed to several factors: namely that it was just after New Years and everybody was likely to have been nursing their holiday hangovers, but more understandably because Townsville is a heavily student-populated University town.  Obviously, all the sudents had gone home for the Christmas/New Year period and stayed there to nurse their own hangovers.

We attempted to book a dive at the Great Barrier Reef for the following day but were unable due to high winds and rough sea forecasts.  It’s not even like there were any hip-looking bars are lively pubs we could dip into for the evening – just nothing.  In fact, Townsville remeinded me very much of a place I’d been before in my life… a place I despise to this day for all its ills… a place that I’d never miss were I never to visit it again in my lifetime… a place I spent three years at University, and also a place which shares many of the contradictory facets of ‘Town-s-ville’…

High Wycombe. [shudddder…]

Thank F**k it was only for a couple of days.  Breathe Joe, breathe…

Oh, but on a more upbeat note, on the road to Townsville we stopped to take pictures of a gigantic plastic Mango –

Mango 1

…which was nice!

Then is was back to the road once more…

Townsville 2


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4 responses to “Townsville”

  1. David Peacock says:

    Hi Joe

    This is your cousin Dave, from your dads side of the family (…auntie Sue’s son).

    I just wanted to say hey and let you know that i’ve been following your rtw blogs with great interest, because im actually planning on going around the world myself in August this year. Am booking my flights this coming friday, and am gettin a bit nervous to be honest!

    But it sounds like you’re having a wkd time, and it’s so good to hear your experiences (whether good or bad…) coz it gives me an idea of places i defo want to visit, and those i should stay clear of!

    So cheers for that, and keep enjoying every minute of your trip!

    Speak soon, Dave.

  2. admin says:

    Hi Dave!

    Don’t think I’ve seen you since I was a kid mate!

    It’s a good feeling once you’ve booked your flights – makes it all the more real.

    The best way of finding the best and worst places is by going off others’ recommendations (they’re not always right but often give you a little more info than the Lonely Planet).

    I am enjoying it, even if I do have to work to get the money!

    Keep planning away Dave, and get in contact with me when I’m back (should be just before you set off I think…) and I’ll be happy to bore you to death with all my crazy stories!



  3. mary says:

    hi joe,
    its mary… your mums friend.
    i`ve been following your adventures with great interest and look forward to your up dates. it looks like your having lots of fun !!!
    well take care, and enjoy the rest of your trip x

  4. admin says:

    Hi Mary,

    Thanks for leaving a comment! Good on my Mum for shamelessly plugging my blog to everyone she knows!

    Hope all’s well in the sunny North,

    Take care,


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