BootsnAll Travel Network

The U.S.A. – Part 3 – San Francisco

Golden 1 Tram 1 

So imagine the scene: you’ve just arrived at the airport in a large international city, at night, and with all your worldly belongings strapped to your back, when you realise you realise you ain’t booked any accommodation – no problem, you just call up a hostel and book a bed, right?  WRONG.  When you realise that every hostel and budget-price hotel in the city is fully booked because nobody informed you that it was the weekend of the largest gay festival in-the-world – you begin to panic.  When you then catch the bus into the city (that you don’t know your way around) and find out that the only first-come-first-serve ‘hotel’ is actually a shitty crack-den with its reception CLOSED – you begin to panic a lot more.  Fortunately in my case I didn’t have to sleep on the streets that night with what seemed like half of San Francisco’s population (the place is ridiculously poverty-stricken) because a saint by the name of Billy came to my rescue.  I chanced my luck on a small hotel nearby – Billy at reception told me there was only one room left and it’d be $139.

“I can’t afford that mate!” was naturally my response, but I was desperate for somewhere to crash for the night.  After helping me call every hostel on the list to no avail, Billy pipes up with “Ah, fuck it buddy – I’m leaving this job in two weeks anyway – you can have the room for $65.”  I couldn’t believe my luck.  “Oh but just so you know, the room’s real small…” says Billy – by small he meant the American equation of small: spacious en-suite with a double-bed and sink unit.  You wanna order some food here – two can eat for the price of one – half the meal’s filling enough!

Anyway, I flew to ‘San Fran’ earlier than originally planned in the hope that I could bring forward my flights to New York and then London respectively.  This proved impossible, so I stayed at a hostel in the city for the next 9 days.  This wasn’t too bad – plenty of picture-taking opportunities to be had: the city…

San Fran 1 San Fran 2 

San Fran 3 San Fran 4

San Fran 5 San Fran 6 

San Fran 7 San Fran 8 

…the Golden Gate Bridge…

Gate 1 Gate 2 

Gate 3 Gate 4 

…and Al Capone’s second home, the island prison of Alcatraz

Alcatraz 1 Alcatraz 2 

Alcatraz 3 Alcatraz 4 

Alcatraz 5 Alcatraz 6 

Alcatraz 7 Alcatraz 8 

The Alcatraz trip was excellent, and one I’d highly recommend.  You walk freely around the grounds and cell-blocks whilst listening to an audio tour on an MP3 handset featuring former inmates, wardens and staff members during its time as a maximum security jailhouse.  The tales of several attempted breakouts were particularly interesting.

I killed a lot of time in San Fran by making use of the hostel’s free internet facilities, and I even did a day’s work to pick up some much-needed cash ($80) by clearing rubble from the basement.  One stop until home – so good they named it twice – New York, Noo Yoik baby!!


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