Melbourne – Part 4
Saturday, April 28th, 2007A flattering pic of the uber-traveller extraordinaire…
So, has the ice melted away from the pavements in the UK yet? Has the frost departed from the grassy fields of home? Are the birds singing in the tre…oh like I care. Sorry for all of you that already know this, sorry for all of you that are sick of hearing this, sorry for all of you that believe this to be true, but… Australia is England, but much, much better. And hotter, obviously. I mean, my boss said the other day “ooh, getting colder now isn’t it?”, to which I replied (wearing a t-shirt) “a little, I suppose, but not all that much. Why, how cold does it get in winter here in Melbourne?”. Her response had me pissing my pants with laughter – “It can get as low as 16/17 degrees”.
– This is t-shirt weather in the UK. Ridiculous. [read on]