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Melbourne – Part 3

Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

Work 1 Docks 1

Time flies when you’re having fun.  It’s always the way.  It’s nearly the end of March already, and I’ve been in lovely Melbourne so long now it feels like home.  I’ve been working and trying to save up for New Zealand, although I’m finding it difficult to reign in what can be an expensive social life.  Melbourne’s summer is coming to an end, but there are so many little festivals and and events held in and around the city that’s it’s hard to pause for breath. [read on]

Melbourne – Part 2

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Melbourne Skyline 1

Well, what have I been up to then? Eh?  Lots of silly shennanigans.  All sorts of crazy sh*t.  I have truely fallen for Melbourne in a big way – I could happily live here for a while longer for sure, if I had the money and a friend in the Visas Department that is.  I don’t, so I plan to enjoy every moment here that I get, because it may never come again.  So far, I have been doing just that… [read on]

Melbourne – Part 1

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Melbourne Night 1

By the South bank of the river Yarra, Melbourne

It's strange when a city you've never been to before reminds you so much of a place back home.  It's even stranger when ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, January 5th, 2007

Cairns 1

Destination: Cairns

So we made it.  First off - a slight apology over how long it's been taking me to update this blog - it's extremely difficult to find time, and a decent ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Townsville 1

Townsville.  Hmm.  Not much to say about this litlle stopover in our journey really.  Any location that names itself a cross between two location-names ('Town'-s-'ville') obviously has problems with its self-identity.  It's not ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Whitsundays – New Year’s Eve!

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Whitehaven Beach 1

'The Broomstick'. That was the name of the racing yacht we boarded at Airlie Beach on 30th December 2006. There were others - 'Condor', 'British Defender' - yet we got the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Fraser Island

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

Fraser Island 1

Fraser Island 2 Fraser Island 3

Fraser Island

The object to the left of the van on the left of the second picture ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hervey Bay – Christmas Day!

Monday, December 25th, 2006

Hervey Bay 1 Hervey Bay 2

Hervey Bay 3

So we made it somewhere for Christmas - it it wasn't a crappy campsite either thank God. We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Rainbow Beach

Saturday, December 23rd, 2006

Rainbow Beach 1 Rainbow Beach 2

Rainbow Beach... and our sandman!

Rainbow Beach is a nice little area raised slightly above the sea level, so-named due to the mixed colour of the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Maroochydore & Noosa

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Maroochydore Noosa

After leaving Brisbane, we were looking for somewhere preferably next to water, perhaps even a beach-side campsite.  In Maroochdore we found what we were looking for: the campsite was situated ... [Continue reading this entry]