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Travels to Dublin

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

January 16 & 17, 2006 Travels to Dublin
Two very important items were yet to be in my clutches to get my trip going and it was only a few days before I was to fly out. One, I didn’t have my backpack the most important item! Then there is a prepaid credit card that my family had gotten for me. Both were scheduled to be on the 16th of January- the very day that I was leaving my friends home to go to a ritzy hotel with my sister Traci for “girl time”. But they might not come, being that Monday the 16th is Dr. Martin Luther Kings holiday! What a panic! So I will forever remember not only Dr. King for his great works- but how it ran havoc on my last days in the US of A.
The backpack arrived at 1:00 and it took to 6:00pm to get rid of more then ½ the amount of clothes and items kick out. In the end, my very inventive sister Traci got me to let go of my attachment to things and got them soooo crushed down to fit in one backpack and a roll behind.
Once packed, I put it on (with her help) and I almost fell over! The backpack was almost as tall as me! But I was determined to keep all that I had and also pull the pull behind and the camera case with of course my black hat to top off the “travel” look. What a sight! Did I say all my packs are bright red! I’ll tell you – I am a sight to behold!

[read on]

The weeks before leaving

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

December 2005-January 14, 2006 The weeks before leaving the US

Well, to say the least it was crazy. All my months of planning so that I wasn’t out of mind before I left- it didn’t work. There seemed to be thousands of little things that needed to be tied up. Luckily, I was still sleeping, but that would soon be gone too.
I can equate this adventure to preparing for my wedding. It’s a day that you are looking so forward too, but as time goes on and To Do Lists keep changing but not disappearing, the day seems to be the last thing that you can focus on- it seems it will ever get here and when it does you just want it DONE!
And that’s exactly how it felt! I just wanted all this craziness to stop! It was only 7 months from start to finish (my wedding was 1 year in the planning) but it was so much. Not only closing up a life (finances, the dog, furniture, and school) but it was cleaning out years of files, putting my family history into my new computer (which I just got 3 weeks before I left 400+ members), any minimizing my life into to suitcases. I also started a new venture in ART-cards with some family and tried to get some accounts set up before I left. But it was also closing up relationships. Not necessarily getting rid of them…but tying them up and condensing them. You know, telling people how you feel about them, what their friendship meant, and how it will have to be to fit into the future. Some relationships were ended (by their hand), but many were re-kindled. I found that I in wanting to say good-bye to people, I also was saying hello after many years of not talking to each other. It’s funny how your mind works when you are “dying” from your old life and “birthing” into a new. I’m dropping off the plant as far as people being able to find me, like old school mates. How will they find me for the next reunion? See, it’s really crazy the way the mind works, 7 months ago I wouldn’t of thought that as the days clicked away that I would be compelled to contact old school and work mates to say good-bye. But as it did, I did want to tell them how I felt about them and their friendship. It seems just because you don’t talk for 5-10 years, in my heart, they were still my friends, and I wanted to say good-bye.
I called a girl that was a grade school mate for only 1 year (5th grade) then met up again in 9th to 12th grade. She also got me a job at 19 yrs old. And we worked together for almost 16 years. We would talk maybe once or twice a year after that. So I called Mary Rose and another two co-workers- Teri and Daley. They worked with me at the Children’s Home, were I was a Director. We had a nice dinner and had checked up as to what they and their families had been up to since our last get together about 5-7 years back. I saw how time has aged us, on their faces. We know we get older, but we really don’t know how old we get till we see old friends get older. It was great to see them, and to know that my fondness for them hasn’t changed over all this time. They of course, had a time understanding what I was doing. Not only the move, but also the “woo woo” thing- my psychic abilities. I hadn’t known my abilities when I worked with them. Even though I have had about 9 years to get accustomed to them, they had not. They have heard about it 5 years, but we never talked about it. So they questioned me on this area of my life more so then the trip. And Daley was mostly flipped out about the belief of the whole psychic thing. Not a surprise, most men do (in my experience.)
A few days had me writing letters and e-mails to other friends. Again re-kindling. A few wrote back excited for me and sadly some e-mails came back as not received- they had changed addresses. They won’t know that I thought of them in the end.
One re-kindled friend, Chiane, was a woman that I met on my very first Intuition class. We conversed back and forth for months and then we just got busy with out lives. We hadn’t talk for a few years. She was involved with a group of people that were all in the Intuition class and lived close by each other. They were having get-togethers that they would dabble in readings and healings but mostly just fellowship. I attended one such get-together and did reading for everyone. It was a difficult and draining experience in that it involved seeing and feeling a lot of emotion that these women were dealing with in their lives. When groups of people are drawn together there is usually a theme that they share, and this group was not any different.
They all had great loss in their lives. One was dealing with heartbreak of a lost child and court battles with them. Another was dealing with losing their husband to Dementia (sp?) (Losing their mind). And a few (being family related) were dealing with the disappearance of a husband (and brother-in-law, brother) in an airplane over Alaska a few years before. The pain in this group was what was so overwhelming for me. I cried throughout the readings, but insight was given and I hope healing was begun. At the end of the readings, drained and emotionally exhausted – as we sat around the table and ate, then Spirit talked through me to this amazing group of woman. They were told that they were not doing the work that they as a group agreed to do when they chose to come to this lifetime to do. They had gotten on the path (the class, the get-togethers) but they were not doing it to their potential. After this little “speech” I was embarrassed that these things came out of my mouth. I didn’t realize at the time what had happened to me, but have since come to recognized that spirit uses me to tell others things that I myself had never even thought or felt. It’s a strange thing to have happen to you, but we are all tools for the other side!
Anyway, when I talked to Chaine after all this time, she informed me that the group was doing AMAZING work! They were having healing and readings for the public and had been a great light and hope to hundreds of people in the last few years. I was so happy that they had each other on this amazing journey.
Chaine said that she informed the group as to what I was venturing on- and they were all praying for me to get a laptop and the money needed. A week or so after out initial contact, I did receive a new laptop as a Christmas gift and 2 weeks after that I was surprised with a credit card with a prepayment of money from my sister and other family members. So their prayers really helped. They ARE a light in my life also.
Two days before I left, as I was saying good-bye to my good friend Vicki, I got a reminder (from my guides) about an old friend from high school, Kirby. We spent 4 years of high school together and over the last 27 years had touched base every 5-7 years. I didn’t have her phone number, but found it on the net. Which was a miracle in it’s self! At 10:30 at night I dialed her up and was she surprised! She told me a few nights prior to my call she had a dream about me! ( woo woo warning) We caught up over the next few hours and it was as if there was no time between our last visit and this one. She had not heard that I was a psychic/medium and it was the best time of any to bring her up to date (especially after her dream). I was a bit concerned because she is a Born-Again Christian, and they have their beliefs (she is converted from Catholic). To my great delight and surprise, she was very open to what I was involved in and even had some experience in the area. She had found the psychic Silvia Brown on TV and was intrigued by her abilities. It was really nice to have such a good person like Kirby to be accepting of me. Even though I am secure (most of the time) with what I do- it’s nice to have validation and acceptance from people that you respect.
To end this entry, I found that as anything in hindsight- I should of started the good-byes a lot earlier. I was unable to meet with people that I wish I had. I didn’t spend much time with my 2 wonderful nieces and my last days were busy with things and not people. I have always had a TO DO list that is longer then my arm, and with this adventure it was no different. I’m hoping that I will learn from this insight.

God Speed,

Almost ready

Thursday, December 8th, 2005
Well I'm just under the 6 weeks mark. I finally bought my tickets 2 days ago. It was a very emotional thing- I was so excited because it was set -and it was very scary-because I really had ... [Continue reading this entry]

Oh the joys of preparing!

Sunday, November 13th, 2005
I'm 9 weeks and counting to the day I leave Ohio, USA. 7 months ago I decided to close out the life I had been living to venture out to another country to make a new life! I ... [Continue reading this entry]