Travels to Dublin
January 16 & 17, 2006 Travels to Dublin
Two very important items were yet to be in my clutches to get my trip going and it was only a few days before I was to fly out. One, I didn’t have my backpack the most important item! Then there is a prepaid credit card that my family had gotten for me. Both were scheduled to be on the 16th of January- the very day that I was leaving my friends home to go to a ritzy hotel with my sister Traci for “girl time”. But they might not come, being that Monday the 16th is Dr. Martin Luther Kings holiday! What a panic! So I will forever remember not only Dr. King for his great works- but how it ran havoc on my last days in the US of A.
The backpack arrived at 1:00 and it took to 6:00pm to get rid of more then ½ the amount of clothes and items kick out. In the end, my very inventive sister Traci got me to let go of my attachment to things and got them soooo crushed down to fit in one backpack and a roll behind.
Once packed, I put it on (with her help) and I almost fell over! The backpack was almost as tall as me! But I was determined to keep all that I had and also pull the pull behind and the camera case with of course my black hat to top off the “travel” look. What a sight! Did I say all my packs are bright red! I’ll tell you – I am a sight to behold!
We finally got on the road by 6:00pm – only 3 hours later then planned. We were about 15 min down the road and I panic that I forgot my passport and money. We stopped and looked and luckily we found it. We were both tired and hungry – a DEADLY combination in our family, and we got lost in the hotel estates with dark and rain. My poor sister, she tried so hard to make this an enjoyable ending- and all my crap just messed it all up.
It was suppose to be a Scotland manor house and it might have been, but we didn’t see much of it. The prices were ridiculous for a sandwich a few shots and beer. We were both so tired we just fell into bed and we never did get any “girl time” together. (Boohoo)
By the day of travel, I was so anxious! I couldn’t keep a thought for more then a second and sometimes less. Traci was trying to get me to say Aer Lingus the correct way. It was the name of the Irish airplane company. I would need to say this name a few times through the travel- so I need to pronounce it correctly.
On D-day I was going over all the flight info. Which I purposely didn’t do earlier because I hate flying and I have a lot of little issues with seatbelts, putting stuff in overheads and crowding in seats. Once I started going over these details, I wanted to thrown up (literally)! Panic was taking me over, and I was a mess and in this panic stage, Traci is trying to teach me how to say Aer Lingus! So I’m sitting there and we have gone over and over the name and I’m butchering it every time! I just can’t get it! So I’m losing my mind and say that I really going to get it this time and she says it again and she takes a gulp of coffee. I said it in such a horrible way that Traci chokes on the coffee and spits it all over the room. It was like in a cartoon! We both broke down laughing and peeing our pants! It was a great laugh!
After we cleaned up and checked out, I started to load the car of the luggage. In the mist, of my panicked, wanting to throw up, brain freeze- I set off the panic alarm on the car! I couldn’t figure out how to stop it – and it was going on and on in front of this beautiful high-class hotel at 9AM! Traci finally came out and told me what to do. Needless to say- it didn’t help frame of mind!
We got to the airport without any drama and I after I got checked in- I calmed down. We had a nice wait and I could see that at moments Traci was on the verge of tears. I tried to keep focused on writing postcards to John (my ex-husband) and my nieces. I am worried about John and I don’t want my nieces to forget me (3 & 5 yrs old). Before we left the hotel, my mother called and wished me well and told me she loved me and my brother called for the girls to say good-bye. That was the call that got me. I know that kids don’t remember people at those ages (I didn’t remember my dad and he died when I was 5) so I figure they might forget me too. That made me cry.
When it was time to leave, my sister broke down. She is like a mother hen (thank God) and it was like she was sending her only child off to war! It tore me up too, to see her in pain makes me cry just writing this. (And I’m in the hostel eating room –no more tears!)
I flew out of Canton-Akron airport, which was quite nice. Parking was very close, and the place was deserted and it was 10AM! They only have one place to fly out of- so no changing gates (thank god). Traci couldn’t see me off, which upset her. She had to leave me at Security. I have anxiety over security too – but I checked it out before I left, so I was prepared with taking off the shoes (no wholes in socks!) and taking my computer out of the bag- that was in the bag and would fight with me for the next 12 hours of traveling.
I went to the gate, and looked for the “light” that would shine on someone that I am to meet. This has been happening to me for some time now. I saw a Mennonite woman (they wear the little cap on the bun on their head). I saw her arrive and knew we should talk. She came over and sat a seat away. We started to talk and right away she tells me that her husband died 4 months ago and she was off to Iowa to help her niece with her newborn baby. She was about 60 and said that she had just gotten married 8 years ago. Obviously her second marriage because she said that she had 3 great grandchildren at the time of her wedding. Now 8 years later, she has 27 great-grand children!
She then told me of her husband’s death. She said that she was asleep in bed upstairs and she was awakened by her husband’s voice gently calling her name. She looked and saw that he wasn’t in bed, so she went downstairs to find that he was still couscous, but had suffered a major heart attack. He couldn’t talk and she said she loved him and held him and he died. I said it was your gift from God and she agreed. You can see that she is still very shell shocked- but she is trying to go on. She thinks that she needs to go home to Iowa to deal with the memories where she met her husband and deal with them. This woman understands grief and that it is a process to deal with- not to avoid. Healing can only happen when we face our pain – then it doesn’t hold us by the fear.
We continued chatting when I saw a light on a woman that had just arrived. She remained me physically of my old boyfriends mom- Mary. I knew that she was the woman that I would sit with. They called for boarding. I wait till the end because I have the farthest back seat, which I requested. I prefer the back seat on the aisle. I wait till everyone is situated – then come in. One of my issues is getting my bags up in the overhead; this roll behind will be a bear! But this plane was so small that they couldn’t even let you take your carry on -on. They took it at plane entrance and you got it right back when you walked off. But I still had to get my computer in the tight overhead with my camera case and hat. As I entered and went to my seat a man out of nowhere came up and asked if he could help me but my bags up! I of course said yes and he took everything from me and stored it and then disappeared again! (God-Gift #1) And wouldn’t you know it- the “Mary” woman was my seat partner. We were in this sardine can of a plane together; it was the smallest plane I had ever been on! Even though we are both big girls, we were quite comfortable. We chatted, (OK –I did most of the chatting.) She was a laid back type of woman and that was great for me- I fed off her calm energy and it calmed me.
Her name isn’t Mary it was Nina, (God-Gift #2.) She lives in Tamp Bay, Florida. She is married with one grown unmarried son and no grand children. She is a sectary-bookkeeper at a school and she loves her job. She was up in Akron, Ohio visiting her mother on her 80-something birthday, which she does every year. She was up for a week and ready to return home. She was a lovely travel companion. I shared my plans and concerns and she assured me that everything would be fine. The time flew and the next thing we knew, we were in Cincinnati
I was bold and asked if on our arrival we could help each other with watching each others bags while each used the bathroom. Which is another thing I worry about- how to get that entire luggage in a tiny stall. She was very agreeable, and as we found the bathroom I saw another light on a woman in the terminal. She had a big stroller and a concerned look on her face. I asked her if I could help her. She said that she wanted to get something from the food place and she couldn’t figure out how to get the stroller in the metal area. I said that we could watch the baby for her. I turned to Nina and she said that she would watch both. I went to the bathroom and the woman got her food. (Don’t worry Traci; she was in arms length of the baby the whole time!)
We then looked for the big TV’s to check our flights. She informed me that I had to leave this terminal for another and had to take a shuttle, which I never had before. Panic! Well, my God-Gift just kept on giving!
It turned out that Nina also had to go to the other terminal and showed me where to catch the shuttle. And it turned out that both of our flights took off at the same time- so we had about 1 hour to sit with each other. (God-gift!) I was not eating (can’t when I travel) – but we got a drink and talked. She was a wonderful listener and gave me understanding on some topics that came up. We hugged and parted ways. I gave her my calling card on my blog and told her to read about herself! She was really interested- so I’m sure that she is reading this. (Nina- thank you so much for all your help and reassurance- you will always be remembered for being a God-Gift on my journey!)
I got on plan #2 from Cincinnati to NY- JFK. As I came up to my seat I saw a man in the window seat. I saw that the overhead was full; I had no room for my pull behind. The man that was sharing my seat jumped up and moved the things around and put my bag up for me! (God-Gift #3). There was one empty seat between us and I was hopeful the plane looked like it was done with letting people. I least that’s what I thought! When a black man entered the plane on the phone. He walked down the isle trying to get the lady on the phone to take a credit card payment for a credit card. As with most people on a cell phone he was talking way to loud. As he approached I realized that he has my next seat mate. OH BOY, I thought this was going to be one interesting ride! But God-Gift #4 was on the way. When he finally got off the phone – 2 calls later, he asked the flight attendant if the plane was full. She said it was heavy, but not full. He asked if he could move. Of course, I always feel it’s because of my size that they want to move, I always blame myself– but in this case, I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sit next to him for all that time and we were crushed in together. He moved to the seat in front and quieted down- at least until the plane was landing and he was back on the phone talking loud again!
On the plane I was tired and took a little nap. Then started to worry about the JFK issue of first finding my luggage (they don’t transfer to the new flight) then I knew I had to leave the terminal, find a bus of some sort and get to another terminal to get to Aer Lingus. So I asked the man that was still in the seat with me if knew the airport? He was German or Norwegian and I had a hard time understanding him. He showed me an in-flight magazine that showed the terminals – which was interesting, but didn’t show me what I needed. He then became God-Gift #5 –because he asked me the right questions and he found the terminal number that I need to know to find the bus I needed! This was very important information!
Sag way- why is it that just as the seat-belt light is switched off – everyone jumps up and starts getting bags down and a calm plane becomes dog-eat-dog? Why do people do that? Don’t they know that you can’t get out from the back of the plane until the front of the plane gets off- am I the only that knows that? I sit and wait. But I also needed help getting my bag down- but my seatmate and Godsend got his down and them got mine down. How sweet! Then a man that was across the isle and one seat back stopped the rest of the dogs and let me out with my overbearing wheeler! (#6)
Well, I had to now pee like a racehorse, but had to find and then get my 1,000-pound backpack and leave the terminal. They were very unclear as to what suitcase thingy I needed- but soon I saw the huge red monster. But seeing it and getting it off the thing that keeps moving is another story. I used all the strength I could muster and pulled it off the machine and prayed that I didn’t pee my pants in this action! Then I had to get through all the dog-eat-dog people that wouldn’t move to let me by with these big bags! Once I got out of this area dragging these bags I had to stand the backpack up and try and get it from the floor to my back without falling over or making a puddle- because there was no God-Gifts in this pack of dogs!
By a pure miracle I got the big red monster on my back. I was just about hunched over at this point. I got outside asked where the bus would be and was told there was no bus! I didn’t think that my eyes could bug out of my head this much and still stay attached – and that look was not lost on the man that I was asking. He said there was an “Air something” that would take me to the terminal I needed. He said cross the street, go down the steps and find the air something. I was so much easier to say- and very difficult to do! I was in a panic to wrestle with my bags, keep my knees together and run to an Air something….
I was looking for a sign that said were terminal 4 was and I was in the middle of a thousand signs that only said where 2/3 terminal was. I was frozen with fear. I had to get to my connecting flight to Ireland in moments and I was frozen with fear on track 2/3 with now idea which air train (found out the name) to take. One went one way and one went the other. God-Gift #6 came up with her bags and needed the same thing. She said she was going to take the one on the right. I just followed like a sheep and prayed that it was the right one- I had no time to waste! YEA! It was the right one! YEA! Now I just had to check in and FIND A BATHROOM! I ran to the center and found the Aer Lingus lane only to be sent somewhere else. They said that I had only 5 minutes to make the plane and they got me checked in and I had to take my bags to another area then down the steps and out to security and then the gate – ALL IN 5 MINUTES. OH GOD- hold the plane!
I got to the bag drop off and asked the woman (NOT God-Gift-boy did she hate her job!) if I could leave my bag. She said WAIT. I stood there until finally I asked another woman, who recognized the panicked look on my face, and said you don’t need to wait. I ran to the elevator going to the basement – but there was such a group waiting that I looked at the steps and hoped I didn’t fall down them. I struggled the pull behind down and had no idea what else the guy said to do. I just stood there on the verge of tears! I saw God-Gift #7 walking by and asked if he knew where I was to go next as I pushed my ticket in his face. He said – A4 – the very number that had a big circle around it! (Stupid – remind myself to hit my head on the wall later!) I RAN like a crazed woman down the hall and ran right into the Security line! I through off my shoes- and find I have a whole in the big toe – HOW IS THAT POSSIABLE? IT WASN’T THERE 3 HOURS AGO! Pulled out my computer (I hope it doesn’t get broken!), emptied my pockets all with one hand holding the tubs and my bags. What a stupid way to run things (later blog!). Got through, threw the computer back in the bag but can’t get it closed! Ran with my shoes un-done with my arms flaying around begging God to hold the plane! I got there just in time – there were one or two people in line. Now it’s only 5:00 and the plane isn’t scheduled to leave until 6:00pm – why did I have to rush? Well, I walked into the biggest airplane I have ever been on. I got my usual last seat in the plane and it must have been a mile down the plane! I didn’t think it would ever end! They had 6 flight attendants in my area alone – what a monster! It was 7 seats across and 47 rows – AMAZING!
Did you ever see the commercial – Capital One credit card- where the guys that are out of work- the pillagers? Where they had to find other jobs. Remember the one that was the flight attendant? As he was serving the coffee and drinks he walked down the isle and kept hitting people in the face with his ball and chain weapon! Well- that was ME! I had my backpack on and pulling the pull behind and it would be caught on the narrow isle and I would turn and hit people in the head with my backpack! I’m not kidding- I did it at least 3 times before I realized what I was doing! Then I kept doing it because I didn’t have the room to take it off without hitting someone! What a nightmare!
I finally came up on my seat and it was 3 across and only one person on the other isle! YEA! But even then, I could sense something was amiss with that woman, bad energy or something. I opened the door to the overhead and found that I could even reach it! This is one BIG plane! I asked a flight attendant to see if she could see up there and see if there was room for me. As she climbed up the seat to look in- God-Gift #8 pushed past the woman and picked up my bag and put it in. I fell into my seat and breathed and I almost pee’d. I had to get back up and make my way back down the same isle that I had just hit people in the head and go to the john. I would of pee’d in a cup if I had to. Finally relieved- I make it back down the isle with dirty looks from my victims and collapsed into my seat. Since I was almost the last on plane, I was sure that the seat next to me would stay free. (God-Gift #10) A few minutes later a flight attendant came up to the woman in the next seat over and said “I have another seat for you” and moved her. I was so taken by this- what had I done? I never even said a word to her! But I have a feeling that she was afraid that the American would talk to her. There were LOTS of Irish on the plane and are maybe bothered by Americans questioning them through out the flight- well, that MY STORY! (Just for you Diane and Traci)
The flight was pretty uneventful. I slept, ate some dinner (hadn’t eaten for 27 hours) and rested. About 4 hours into a 6 hr trip, I asked the woman on the other side of the isle about the Dublin airport. God-Gift #11 her name was Jackie B. from Donegal. She and her husband were returning home after their first trip to America. They spent the weekend in New York. We chatted a while and she asked about the radio show and it’s content. I told her about it then I said that I was a medium. She was kind of laid back about it. She asked if I knew about Reiki and I said that I did Reiki level 2. She had a friend that did some psychic card reading – but it became too draining to her and she now focused on Reiki and angle cards. She said that she personally had Reiki and quite liked it. She had 3 girls and little boy and told me of an event that happened with her son. She said that he was quite sick and she was sick with worry. I guess they couldn’t find out what was wrong. She was so concerned for him that she slept with him one night. Late into the night she heard a male voice that she did not recognized. He said, “He’ll be alright” and that was it. She didn’t know what that was but she knew that it was real. I asked if she wanted a reading and she said that she would be afraid. I assured her it wouldn’t hurt a bit and I got some impressions and gave them to her. She wasn’t able to confirm them- she would have to ask her father (a uncle of his). An older woman also came through; Jackie thought it could be one of 3 women. When we were done I got her name, gave her my calling card and got the name and phone number of the woman that did Reiki- in case I get up to that neck of the woods, I might interview her for the radio show. She was quite pleasant, and we shared a few things. I hope that she finds the message in the reading. Since it couldn’t be confirm on it at the time, it must mean that she is to find the message between her and her dad. (Jackie if you read this – please write me and let me know what you found out.)
I know that this is a long and detailed blog- hopefully not too boring for the less detailed kind of people- but my family is LIVING through my experience and they want all the details…plus that’s just me!
Tags: Travel
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