BootsnAll Travel Network

The leaning and the liberated

Well my killing time was cold, awkward and long, but eventually it died. I kind of feel bad that I killed it for nothing more than sport, but alas, we just can’t use every part of the buffalo anymore now can we? So my sleeper train was eventful, the couple from North Carolina had reserved the bottom bunks i the six bunk couchette and they were occupied by two very assertive elderly italian women who were not going to be moving. So naturally, as the polite, considerate young traveler of the group, who is a full foot bigger than anyone else, I was displaced to the top bunk where there is the least amount of room and the most amount of discomfort…not to mention I was getting off before anyone else, so I would have to make my way down the ladder without waking them…which I managed to do at my designated time. The only thing is, my designated time is more on par with the swiss time, which involved our train leaving within 65 seconds of its scheduled departure. But lo and behold, we were in Italy now, and I finally arrived in Florence 2 and a half hours after I was supposed to, which isnt bad I suppose. I made it to a hostel, secured a room and left to liberate my pictures from the evil grips of the store owner and his dog. I had to fight tooth and nail for those pictures, some parts of the ordeal were reminiscent of Braveheart (although today I was actually wearing underwear) but in the end, he conceded defeat when I handed over my receipt and he relinquished the pictures. They are pretty good ones too, at least, that is what I will be telling myself.
So I had some time to kill, and thought to myself, hmmm, pisa is close, and despite what the guidebook says about the stabilization project, that thing could fall at any second, so I decided to go over there and check it out. The lady at the tourist office gave me a map and showed me how to get there directly, but apparently I thought it would be better to walk for an hour and sneak up on the thing, just in case. So I saw the tower, it was actually quite impressive, I stood there gazing in awe of it, and then decided yep, that is the leaning tower of pisa alright. So I got some food, a really good Italian sandwich, and got back on the train to put my crap in the hostel. And that is the story kids, that is the story up until now.


6 responses to “The leaning and the liberated”

  1. Dee007 says:

    Hey KKid!
    I’ve been reading all your awesome adventures on here since you left the boards…your posts are missed..*tear*..anyways, keep on keeping on..its good to hear that you’re doing so well and having an amazing time! I depart for my travels in 48 days!! Keep writing..your blog makes me laugh…take care!

  2. Dee007 says:

    P.S I’m from Canada so I don’t know why that little US flag is there…wtf?!

  3. Lindzzzzz (AKA trevor) says:

    ohh man glor. ur too crazy…oh no u’ve lost a layer of blubber… we’re gunna have to eat a lot the weekend you get home to get ya back up to speed. u must be chilly just walking around in ur underwear all the time.. which i hope is what you’re doing..if you have clothes on right now i will not be impressed. oh and of course you got shoved in the top bunk thingy…thats what i would do to you..u should just expect it by now…anywhooo hurry home i’ll see ya in 17 days

  4. Lindzzzzz (AKA trevor) says:

    oops ps i forgot to write abotu the leaning tower of pisa….cool..sounds like fun…and thats about all i have to say …u shouldve pushed it over stupid.. u couldve become famous

  5. Katelyn says:

    Hey Hey there kiddo!

    How’s Italy treatin’ ya? Any smacks in the face yet? Maybe that’s just the greeks. So let’s recap here…WHO TOLD U TO BRING THE RUGBY SHIRT!! I knew it would come in handy sometime now that fall is setting in and ur losing the all mighty blubber… oh well that just means we’ll be eating more at east sides when u come home! I’m excited! I’m glad to hear u were polite but u definetely should have kicked the old italians out of the bunk… even if u got a pair of dentures permanently attached to ur arm. ah well, can’t win em all. So u finally got the pictures… they better be good for that kind of effort. Hopefully the dog didn’t fight u for them. Pisa sounds awesome and the fact that it could fall just makes the story even better… tell everyone it was falling and u saved a baby;) its a tear jerker! Anyways… ur on the home stretch darlin! Can’t wait to see ya!

    miss ya!

  6. Kat (Rino) says:

    I can’t wait to see Italy and just wander the streets for hours at a time. Maybe then I’ll lose some of my blubber, cause really you didn’t have much to lose sweet cheeks. That kind of sucks that it’s cold there, it was really hot today here. Just splurge and buy some sweats or something. Emma (the blair witch) is now a big sister. Her step mom had a baby girl on Saturday morning, or was it sunday… anyways, she’s a sister. In our cafeteria we have a table with a world map on it, I think my friends are getting sick of me pointing out where you are everytime I walk by it. My school has no morals, they’re kicking someone out because they refuse to swear and say some vulgar things. It makes me wonder about my school sometimes. I’m glad you got your pics back, can’t wait to see them. And I really liked your Braveheart battle comment, it made me cackle and think of one of our school trips. Were you on that one? lol. Anyways, I gotta go eat dinner. Miss you tons. I better be invited to the welcome back party that you will throw for yourself.
    Love, Rino

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