BootsnAll Travel Network

Rocky road from Dublin

well kids, we made it to galway. a four hour bus ride took us across some unbelievable country side. Rolling fields of green, fences made of stone, hills in the distance, and the majestic heffer grazing in every field. Galway is my favorite city i have ever been to. \there is a huge pedestrian street with lots of little shops and bars and restaurants, a lighthouse, a marina, a pier, a huge old church, and an amazing hostel that we happened upon. There is also apparently a very nice, very fun pub that is having a free battle of the bands tonight, so me, eddy and this girl i met from california are most likely going to be going down to celebrate little erics birthday with a pint or 6. The plan for tommorrow is to either sleep off our hangover and just wander for the day, or take the pain and go and see the cliffs of moher. I don’t feel like paying the tour fee, so we might try to hitchhike our way down there, or up there, see the thing is, we have no idea where these cliffs are. Oh well, im going to cut this post short because i have another one to make about an observation i have made this trip, so look up for an enlightening update.


5 responses to “Rocky road from Dublin”

  1. Kat (Rino) says:

    I’ve been following your journey on a map of Ireland and just found out some interesting facts from my mom. Where you originally planned to go Omagh is in the County of Tyrone which is where I’m from! I have some ancestors that came over on the boat from County of Tyrone. Pretty cool eh? You guys are just bouncing all over Ireland eh? Sounds Awesome.

  2. Neil says:

    The cliffs are a short walk west from Doolin (okay short for someone like me who walks an hour a day). Doolin is also worth visiting (and, to kick a dead horse, has ferries to the islands).

    Hitching right to the cliffs shouldn’t be a problem, hundreds of tourists drive there every day.

  3. Neil says:

    Oh, and would you mind actually posting the names of some of these excellent hostels. Useful for those of us who might go back some day.

  4. Neil says:

    Oh, and would you mind actually posting the names of some of these excellent hostels. Useful for those of us who might go back some day.

  5. Kat (Rino) says:

    I agree on the whole hostel naming business. I looked some up, are you perhaps staying at the Barnacles Hostel?? It’s 5 stars or something.

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