Here goes…
Right – here goes.
I’ve left work and don’t need to be back till after Easter next year. The party on Friday went well, finishing with a taxi-run around the East End looking for after hours drinks. Found in Hoxton after being denied in Dalston. Cheers those who stayed the distance. You’ll all get a mention as this goes on. For now, good luck Aida, on way to Africa and Maisie, on way to Australia. ART are truly going to be well spread.
Long slow Saturday trying to sort out travel arrangements before cousin Mike and with child Ali invite me out for a ‘quick pint’ before they go out for dinner. Got home at 4am. Cheers Mike.
Sunday still trying to sort out how to get back to England next April. Too much detail? I don’t even have insurance yet.
OK it’s Wednesday now. Car sorted to take me up North. Leaving party in Chester on way to being the social event of the year. Nothing to do with the fact that I’m sharing it with a Silver Anniversary of my frienship with that gorgeous Vicky. Or that Neice and Nephew Isis and Rhys have hijacked the bloody thing for a joint birthday party. Pesky kids. Always nicking the limelight.
Now off for a last pint with my neighbours…
Tags: Travel
September 28th, 2005 at 12:53 pm
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October 1st, 2005 at 3:02 pm
Hey Martin,
I’ve been wondering what ever happened to you, you old scroat, it’s been years since I’ve seen or talked to you, I’m in contact withMick Davey, he told me about this web site so I thought that I’d take this opportunity to let you know that I’m still around, Married 21 years, 3 daughters 19,16,14 years old, gonna be a grandma in three weeks and I’m not even forty yet, so ya going to Canada eh! its beautiful thier I went to see Peter a few years ago now, only Toronto though didn’t have the guts to do what you’re doing. Anyway good luck on your journey Gods speed sweetheart and all the best X X X Clare
October 11th, 2005 at 11:06 am
Hey John,
Where bouts in canada are you going?
October 11th, 2005 at 3:11 pm
Hey Stevie,
Toronto then BC…
October 12th, 2005 at 5:46 pm
Hey Claire,
Lovely to hear from you. Know way are you about to be a grandmother…. Any chance of an email address – try for me as one option.