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Archive for October, 2007

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Travel Day

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

So today I am going to hop on a bus and find some sunshine. Just need a little time out of the city and in the mountains, on the coast, and without a grammer lesson.

Spanish school has been good and it’s been fun trying to get my head around the language. Femine, masculine.. wha? But it’s a good place to learn and the people at The Yanapuma School are really good people.

My teacher was from the coast origionally and moved to Quito when She was eighteen. She worked for a while and then went to school for English. She has a great skill when it comes to figuring out what I am trying to say and steering me past all the typical blunders. She also has a great head when it comes to understanding my reasons for coming to Quito in the first place.

La Marascal is always hopping and it’s been fun to meet people who are doing fun things in Ecuador. Most recently I learned that the guy who is in charge of the apartment where I am staying went to Reed College in Portland! He is about to head back there so he can train to be the coordinator of their exchange program in Quito.

I’ve been thinking about finding a job here and know people who teach english here without a who of a lot of experience. I’m not so sure about trading in English for Spanish but I am definately going to look into it.

Other than that I got out of town yesterday and remebered just how beautiful Quito is. Lots of hills, beautiful people, and many smiling faces. I am starting to recognize spanish words more and it’s a bit of fun to understand what people are saying with the exception of the bus drivers who talk at an incredible rate.

I’m trying to use this time well and gearing up each day to throw myself into the language.. It’s a bit intimidating but well worth it.

Mui facil es Engles

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

So today I woke up at five in the morning to the sound of constuction outside my window.. How do you start building shite at five in the morning in downtown Quito.. Seattle weather outside.. Rain, Rain, Rain.. I swear there is a mountain that reminds me of Colorado outside my window but I can’t see it from here.

Yes, you know the shoes I wear with the holes in them? It would be a lot easier in weather like this to buy some new shoes so my socks don’t get wet.

Spanish school is like fourth grade again in a different language. How the hell is that pronounced that way and why is it so easy for you and for me it’s every second word sounded out sylable by sylable.

I go to the school that I am going to be teaching kids to speak english tommorow to help finish some cabinets that we started last week. Good to be doing something I know how to do instead of trying to figure out what I’m going to be doing in a day.

Not to be grumy or anything but it would be good to hear from some friends who have my attention before I get lost in this language any further!

first week

Friday, October 5th, 2007
 I have just finished my first week of Spanish classes> four hours a day and at the end of the day I can't remember a thing..  But I have a great teacher who knows when to demand my attention..