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Archive for September, 2007

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Sunday, September 30th, 2007

So I think there is a rule that the minute you take a step out of your world you intantly get what you need the most when you arrive at your destination..

It´s a liitle suprising when you walk into an office in another country and find out that you have a chance to make a difference that you were bitching about not making a week before.  Then to try and express that in Spanish and English through an interpreter.  Cañ´t wait to learn this language so I won´t be limited to äsking people how much stuff costs and how they are..


last minute details

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

It’s about time to go and I have been busy trying to remember everything I need to do and who I need to contact.

I did manage to see a few people before I leave but on the whole it’s been a little tough getting a hold of people and I struggle a little bit trying to remember who I should contact and who is busy enough that I just email. The list is a list and I have been trying to take care of it bit by bit.

Right now it’s call a shuttle for tommorow, repack my stuff and decide to bring one bag or two. But in the back of my mind I am thinking of different people and what I would like to talk to them about.

Also there is trying to set something up for when I get back.. Denver, the mountains, somewhere else. Trying to find a place is hard when you arn’t sure what your up to!

So I’m leaving it the way it is, going to Ecuador and then figuring it out!

going to Ecuador Thursday

Monday, September 24th, 2007
I am going to Ecuador on Thursday for a month to learn Spanish and volunteer.  And yup, I am pretty dang psyched up for it.  the organization that I am going to participate with is here!  [Continue reading this entry]